The first advisors were sent in country much earlier than 1962. in ww2 more merchant men were killed than all the services combined until june 6, 1944. and they were civilians. I managed to stand again, stepped, and hurled myself into the jungle. So that means probably from 700,000 to 800,000 of us are still alive. If we arent able to > determine WHO is a Vietnam Vet, then how can one determine how many of us > are still alive today? after spending 1968 with 3/25 0f 2nd field forces and 1970 with the 1/12 cav. Phill Coleman, who surfaced in the very early days of the Internet, and has been profiting from veterans (first Vietnam, now all) for years. You may not care but us guys that stepped foot in Nam AND had bullets flying at us, we care, and we are genuine vietnam Combat Vets. in one way or another. A Vietnam era veteran is certainly not a Veteran of the Vietnam War. may we all be the last man standing. I submit, we should use the same standard for Vietnam. ARP. But having a CIB does not exclude or diminish in any way the experiences or accomplishments of others, like you, and the wearer of the badge has no right to judge what any other man faced. Apparently Infantry is the operative word. Our medic gave them out every Monday. I am a Proud US Army Veteran retired in 1984. The last three I knew had lost a lot of weight, two had each lost a lung. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Hunter killer division. Your not a vet if you never stepped foot in another country. Around 2.7 million troops were stationed in Vietnam either on land, within its airspace, or in its waters. I changed emails and cant reach you!! Certainly leaves some doubt about the numbers because why are we including the years from 1954 to when the actual American forces entered hostile missions? One count should be those Vietnam Veterans who had feet on the ground. Very true One of those is my younger brother. Navy ships were classified as Blue Water ships. But I didnt beat him he just left. As I started to slowly stagger upright towards the opposite side of the road, trying with all my might to gain my balance, I went down hard. Tough and crazy. My whole essence was involved it the quest of one more heartbeat, one more breath, one more gasp of pain averting energy, one moment at a time. Findings are made available to the public in an Annual Report. I PULL GUARD DUTY THE FIRST NIGHT ANY ONE EVERY STAYED THERE. NO REAL VET FAILS TO REMEMBER HIS MOS. The leading cause of preventable death among US military casualties in the Vietnam War was exsanguination from extremity wounds. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". But I guess I knew where I was if we were at a base. Not sure what to think about the article. serveved in nam 67 to 68 and 69 to 70. both tours in the 1st cav. No reflection on your daily activities, just a friendly piece of information. In the article, the writer quotes Patrick S. Brady of Vietnam Veterans of Americas magazine. If you were shot at, in an incoming rocket attack, had to protect during a ground attack, you could bleed and die, you were in Combat. These are numbers never heard before & I would not include those before the advisers were sent over in the early/mid 60s. So, nearly 300,000 over the 14 years of their operations, a far cry above the 2500-3000 referenced in the article. What other conclusions have been made about the percentage of Vietnam veterans who are still alive? All Lawyer adds is for 2 percent, do you think that this was a greater risk for Cancer. I will have to disagree with the CIB being the only combat veterans The Battle of Soui Tre 3-21-1967 at Fire Support Base Gold Operation Junction City, the 2/77 Artillery 18 105s and the 3/22 Infantry A & B Cos the enemy lost 881 KIA and UNK WIAs, we lost counting the landing in the 19th 55 KIA & 287 WIA, within an hours Westmorland and other Stars were there claiming this Victory (14 Stars on the battlefield) The Artillery are every bit combat veterans with the infantry and many other FSB battles as well I have a CIB and did 22 months in country late including TET. If we dont include forces in Thailand or Guam why are we including anyone except Navy pilots, because I dont remember any deep water people who were subjected to enemy hostilities. I agree Vietnam vets are fewer. The group in my AIT Class were all happy about this. He never did ,Thank god ,because I ended up marrying a beautiful woman and we have the most precious and beautiful daughter. My left leg hurt like HELLFIRE! Straining to regain my feet again, I staggered a few strides to my right and throe myself forward, with all I was worth, collapsing finely into the vegetation face up. I Never got to Korea but I have friends who got a medal for service in Korea. The VVA Veteran boils it down to a totally different conclusion that the American War Library drew. Only military remaining were Marines at the Embassy. Jul 1971-19 Dec 1971) 29th CA Co, XXIV Corps (Danang). Im 75 and served in South Vietnam (30 Dec 1967-68) A/504th MP Bn. Melathion was 96% pure. What other conclusions have been made about the percentage of Vietnam veterans who are still alive? Based on data through September 30, 2020, VetPop2020 provides a projection of the Veteran population at each fiscal year end from 2020 to 2050. Canandaigua, NY Got the scars to prove it too, both physical and mental. Separate war. Those who do not remember where in country they were, WHERE NOT THERE.. Or suffering from a complete mental memory disorder. Interestingly, the research concludes that Vietnam veterans seem to be dying at a similar rate to World War II veterans. There is a bird in India that says Did you Do it? Scavenger said you had to be fired on in viet nam to be a veteran. two weeksOver 10% of Vietnam casualties were helicopter crew members, and most of those were the door gunners that protected the helicopter, its crew, and its transports, from their exposed position. However I know many many who have died these past 55 years & 6 months since the Battle of Soui Tre March 21, 1967 and I know what is a combat veteran. I salute all Veterans, and those Pencil pusher, clerks, medics, fire-fighters, etc., all had jobs to do to support everyone, they deserve respect as well, as without them no one should have had the tools necessary to accomplish any mission! Bill, The exact percentage of surviving Vietnam War veterans is not known, but it is estimated to be around 25% of the total number of veterans who served during the war. Since the fall of Saigon and Operation Baby Lift occurred in 1975, wouldnt an 18 year old at that time be 64 or 65 today ? the man ahead of me had been in rome for a religious tour. Why do the vets who served during the Vietnam War era have to be so devisive? IF you didnt get any extra pay better have a good excuse .like to hear it. About 12 out of every 100 Gulf War Veterans (or 12%) have PTSD in a given year. I can assure you there will be those of us alive longer than 10 years from now. 997 guys died the first day they stepped in Nam. good stuff !!!!! I realized what control I had in the cosmos. All the millions of other Vietnam Era Veterans are Cold War Veterans. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. I was confused. I served in the 101st airborne infantry battalion in 1968, the time of the Tet Offensive. I remember a distorted image of reality. It is called the Stolen Valor Act., Dau Tieng A Co. 3/22 Inf. I give a silent prayer of thanks for all of you, every time I hear a chopper going by, even now. Later, and Welcome Home to all Vietnam Veterans!!! These numbers do not include the Americans who served in Vietnam during World War II. Where do they thinly get Ella enemys came from? Here are two additional sources of information (added 9-3-2022) updated in 2021: Arrived in country March 1969, subsequently assigned to B Battery 1/14 Arty. Got home after the war, never spoke about my service, never went hunting again, never cut my feeling back on! After 20 some years of filing claims and multiple appeals (DAV advocate,) have given up on the VA. Do I count as a real Vietnam vet? These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. i know what a combat veteran is. We havent forgotten that time of our lives, and remember full well, that most of these ERA Vets joined these other branches in a desperate attempt to avoid service in Vietnam. Through my blood-covered face, I could not distinguish whom! Vietnam Vet_combat. With an estimated 6 million Vietnam Veterans currently living in the U.S. or abroad, VA remains dedicated to serving all Veterans of the Vietnam Era., All troops were sent home in April 1973. He was killed in action just a few months later. And though did not serve in actual combat, as you describe it, we were shot at & mortared on occasion. Just come up with two lists and leave it at that. We are not ashamed of our service or the fact we killed and had friends die, far more than we care to remember. we were all on the same side of the aisle. Hazardous duty pay was $65 and overseas pay varied by rank $8 to $ 16. @Dea KellyWere you on the ground when this happened? of the 1st cav div. Helicopter crewmen did not receive the CIB, but they fought every day. I dont remember the exact number but remember it was over 500,000 in country and the number was the most ever at one time as the article was about Nixon beginning troop withdrawals that would continue until 1975. The youngest Vietnam War veteran was a 15-year-old child named Dan Bullock. I know from my time with the 3/25 that you dont need to be a ground pounder to see more then your share of combat. Again, I see a jumbled view of jungle and sky, and vaguely see a solitary soldier standing over me. My question, How many guys are I still alive refers to the ones who were in direct combat action? Of the nearly 3Mil that served, only one in twelve were in fire fights. It was difficult for me to move. If he was at least in the Army, this might not work. We all had a job to do. Chester/Gordon, It allows the website owner to implement or change the website's content in real-time. Apparently, its been agreed upon that 800,000 Vietnam veterans had passed away by the year 2000. The New York Times reported that claims like those of the American War Library are false and that, instead of only one-third of Vietnam vets remaining, the number points to more than 75 percent of Vietnam veterans still living and breathing today. The number of Viet Nam veterans, those who served in combat and combat related services (such those flyboys from outside the territory/waters of Viet Nam is about 2.7 million. and US, 7 Valuable Life Lessons My Navy Dad Taught Me, Understanding The Five Branches of The Military, 3 Things That Could Happen To the Military in a Recession. I remember lots of the names Evana, Eagle, Bastone, Granite, Ripcord, Maryanne. The difference David, is that you could quit at any moment, most Veterans who served in Vietnam did not have that choice. My brother was stationed in the Air Force in 1975 and flew missions over Vietnam. 15 of us REMFs were surrounded by the 33rd NVA June 13 1970. What Major Is Kent State University Known For? We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Considering the kind of information available about the death rate of WWII and Korean War Veterans, publicized information indicates that in the last 14 years Vietnam veterans are dying at the rate of 390 deaths each day. Do you by chance remember a Jim Blackshear? But that number will probably go down by at least 50,000 to 75,000 per year. Pleiku, Dak To, An Khe. There is no definitive answer to this question as it depends on the specific situation and the individual's age, health, and military experience. Quite a story. They are NOT Veterans. Their names are at least on the wall thanks to the efforts of many service organizations and Congress. 1,448 soldiers were killed on their last day in Vietnam. According to the American War Library, as of February 28, 2019, it is estimated that approximately 610,000 Americans who served in land forces during the Vietnam War or in air missions over Vietnam between 1954 and 1975 are still alive to this day. I wouldnt trust the New York Times study, regardless of their Sources! Some where along the way after returning home & towards, if not after the end of involvement, the number Id heard/read was 5 million US military served. The Nation supported WWI & WWII, the entire Nation was involved in the war effort. i sailed with some in vn at the end of the work lives. They wouldnt know the truth even if they tripped over it. Those of us who wear air crew wings probably saved your ass more than once. Additionally, the American War Library approximated that around 164,000 Americans who served at sea in Vietnam waters during the same time are still alive today. . but i was happy to serve. The New York Times, as always, gets it wrong. My mos was 11B and the army in its great wisdom sent me to an aviation unit in the Mekong delta. The number of people who are Vietnam veterans in the first place is a number that is widely debated. (Operation Ranch Hand) that were loaders and used no protection. The Vietnam Nam Veteran and the Vietnam Era Veteran is defined by law ,, am I correct???? Most of those who flew had Air Medals which are a combat medal. It was what it was. A few days later I was in fatigues on a C-123 to Da Nang, and a month later driving Hai Van Pass to Phu Bai with 3rdRRU Mobile Det (ASA). that conversation has stayed with me. In my book, they are all Vietnam Vets, just like the guys back home who never went overseas are WWII or WWI veterans. When the 3rd Brigade,82 ABD moved from Camp Rodriguez (I Corps) in October 1968 my first base was Tent Citynear Bien Hoa (III Corps) then my unit was moved to Phu Loi. According to the Department of Defense, infantry soldiers had the highest casualties during the Vietnam War, making infantry the deadliest job in Vietnam. It is difficult to say how many Vietnam veterans have been affected by Agent Orange. 8,113,000 are still alive (May 2000) Post navigation Apparently, its been agreed upon that 800,000 Vietnam veterans had passed away by the year 2000. But often, it does. I was out of my earthly shell. According to the American War Library, as of February 28, 2019, it is estimated that approximately 610,000 Americans who served in land forces during the Vietnam War or in air missions over Vietnam between 1954 and 1975 are still alive to this day. My husband was one of those 191st Assault Helicopter Co. Bounty Hunter door gunners. But if the 800,000 number is right then it has to be out of the 9,000,000 and not out of the 2.6 million. In my Book if you didnt step foot in Nam Your sure not a Vietnam Vet, Period. In January 1945, the Bn was attached to the 3d Infantry Division near the Colmar Pocket, south of The Bulge. There are 500,000 Korean War veterans still living, but about 600 of those die every day, according to the Korean War Veterans Memorial Foundation. It took about 30 years for the government to acknowledge we were even there. Bless you and your family Those of us who live day to day with that medical time bomb know the pain you suffered before he passed, and the endless pain of loss ever after. The stroke wasnt assumed until after 2000 & heart not until 2010. How old is the youngest Vietnam veteran still alive? Ive seen start dates for the VN war as 1954, 1959, 1961, 1964 and 1965. It should be duly noted that these numbers do not include the 2500 to 3000 US Air Force troops stationed in Guam, Thailand, and other countries that were involved in the Vietnam War effort. Sgt. GREAT Reports from the Department of Veterans Affairs say about 240 300 World War II veterans are still alive in 2021. **********************************************************. ooops !!!! So Huey pilots and crew were REMFs. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. He arrived on Yankee Station, Vietnam in early May, 1972 when he was still 17 years of age. The politicians and fake news along with the Berkeley professors lost it for the American people after that. Depends on where you were. While there troops from our unit were deployed to Vietnam as replacements yet some people dont consider us as support for troops in Vietnam. It is a deeply troubling statistic and has. Combat was what we did. The wheels were bouncing crazily as the tires encounter deep furrows dug in the hard dirt from the last monsoon. The average annual payment was $18,100. Very devisive infighting among all the service members who served at a time when it was not popular. I served in Quang Tri (70-71) and took two types of Malaria pills. BTW, Marys father was a Marine in Nam and died when she was only a few years old. To this day, I dont know how I was transported from the right-side dirt shoulder but ending up in the center of the dusty road. How Many World War 2 Veterans Die Each Day? Question Two. As the Department of Veterans Affairs studies, each day over 20 veterans take their own lives. Without fanfare or much recognition. Please do your own due diligence on the American War Library before citing them on ANYTHING, ever. Anyone who says you guys werent there will have to fight me. When he first got out we roomed together, and I came home from school one day s clss was canceled. Active duty 70-71, Quang Tri, Khe Sahn, Danny. A half century after serving in Vietnam, hundreds of veterans have a new reason to believe they may be dying from a silent bullet test results show some men may have been infected by a. Help train personnel from many different Companies to do the same. Hometown: Lincoln, Nebraska. I got the disability benefits at age 79. What Was It Like To Hump The Boonies in Vietnam? The funny thing,(not so funny) is that when we carried peaches and beer, no problem. Things that they did not tell you. Age: 84. Learn something new everyday. I went on about 500 missions. I served until April 28, 1969 !!!!!!!!!!!! they deserve that recognition. I was there in 1964-1965 then 1967-1968 then my last tour was 1971-1972. There were 7000 Canadians that joined the US military to fight in Vietnam. Then we went back to the Boonies. How many Vietnam veterans are still missing? No two people standing side by side performed the same duties. The VA sent out a news release on March 29th, 2022, entitled DISABILITY COMPENSATION AND BENEFITS AVAILABLE TO VIETNAM WAR VETERANS. It included the following line, which should put this question to rest. Music That Moves the Military. 2023 CherriesWriter - Vietnam War website, Ive also created a poll to help identify my website audience before leaving, can you please click, Vietnam: The War that killed Trust (GuestPost), Gold Star Families Memorial Monument DedicationCeremony.
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