The preachers who I knew as a teenager all had real degrees in theology from acredited universities. [14], Tarrant County, Texas preacher Dillon Awes attracted considerable controversy for advocating that "every single homosexual" in America be lined up against a wall and shot in the back of the head. I talk to her about my faith she talks to me about her faith. More insights from your Bible study - Get Started with Logos Bible Software for Free! 21 And when you swear by the Temple, you are swearing by it and by God, who lives in it. Like I said, funny post, but a bit judgmental as well. Well I am a little confused. Jesus does that. Good point Steve! Tithing was around since before the Law of Moses. I have an old high school friend here with me who started visiting churches. For you are like whitewashed tombsbeautiful on the outside but filled on the inside with dead peoples bones and all sorts of impurity. 2Co 2:10 To whom ye forgive any thing, I forgive also: for if I forgave any thing, to whom I forgave it, for your sakes forgave I it in the person of Christ; You said we dont forgive people for their salvation we cant because we arent Jesus. Pastor and his wife did pay for the reception, photography, and shower. If you consider it worldly and almost frightening if someone brings a different version of the Bible to church, and wonder what your Pastor would say if he knew, you might be an Independent Fundamental Baptist. Yes but this is my concern about the IFB beliefs and I understand this was written to make it funny. Joh 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. What an extensive list. Smoking in itself is not sin but I do agree that smoking can cause teeth decay, lung cancer, breast cancer, etc. God values his word, even above his own name, and when you or I meet God, what we think means nothing to God, unless it lines up with His Word. His mom, Dorothy Chrisman, was a teacher at the academy run by Fairhaven. (II Corinthians 12:12; I Corinthians 13:8; Hebrews 2:3-4; Mark 16:17-20; I Corinthians 1:22, 14:21-22). Many of these are down right untruthful . Theres a lot that is biblical in your post that we should want to do and some not biblical and therefore should abstain from practice. Some of these are very much right on the money. Smoking, drinking, partying, dancing, listening to secular music or Contemporary music arent sinful though partying can only be sinful if you are drunk. Thats The Holy Spirit speaking to me. 20. 9 And dont address anyone here on earth as Father, for only God in heaven is your Father. 33. To love Jesus is to love his word and follow his commands because we love him. The Bible talks about a CHEERFUL GIVER. If a person gets right with God, then they will usually give, not because they have to, rather because they want to give. [4], Despite the website's claims that each church is independent, some followers and former followers of the New IFB have accused Anderson of having complete control over the organization and ejecting anyone who has a minor disagreement with him. If your pastor begins his sermon by reading one verse then yells and pounds the pulpit for the next 30 minutes, you might be an Independent Fundamental Baptist, 17. As far as tithing is concerned, the people who do tithe, it should be because they tithe because they want to. If youve been taught that robbing God (not giving 10% of gross income) is the special, one specific sin that will cause God to lift all protection of your life and allow satan FULL LIBERTY to destroy you. In fact, if you're single you know what I'm talking about. We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ accomplished our redemption through His finished work on the cross as a representative, vicarious, substitutionary sacrifice; and that our justification is made sure by His literal, physical resurrection from the dead (Romans 3:24-25; I Peter 2:24; Ephesians 1:7; I Peter 1:3-5). Was so funny reading it, one thing that struck me is if an outsider were to read it theyd be incredulous, wondering how we stuck with it for so long. The pew hymnal is inspired by God While I favor hymns but I wouldnt necessarily say that because even though I do use the hymnal, most people at the church I go to now sing from the Power Point. However, the churches are united by a number of doctrines. Frankly its not your place to tell me what I should and shouldnt do (typical IFB who thinks they know what everyone is supposed to be doing). The Pastor leads, feeds, guides, and guards the church at the direction of Christ. 20 When you swear by the altar, you are swearing by it and by everything on it. In thinking back, I see that the church was filled with tiny idols like that. 5 Hypocrite! ), you might be an Independent Fundamental Baptist, 41. WebEvery active member wishing to speak shall rise and respectfully address the moderator. as a former IFB, I read this.mmmmmm, mixing truth with deceptionI wonder the author uses, the same tactics as the serpent in the garden??? No member shall Do you know what Jesus told the Pharisees? That can get a little hairy, though, because you never know when youll end up at a more liberal churchlike yours! And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. If you believe that women are inferior to men and are to be submissive to their husbands, you might be an Independent Fundamental Baptist, 32. Baptists do not believe that baptism brings salvation, but rather it is the answer of a good conscience toward God. If you believe that secular psychology is worldly/sinful, but dont think that other areas of medicine are OK, you might be an Independent Fundamental Baptist, 45. It was organized in Cicero, Illinois, U.S., in June 1930 as the successor to the American Conference of WebThe following year, the CBF became the Fundamental Baptist Fellowship (1967). If your your church funnels in the inner city kids via a bus ministry We dont have a bus ministry since the city of the church I go to is small. Whether u believe its talking about judah/Ephraim or not. What if it had been biting you for 5, 10, 15, or (in my case) 25 years and you managed to finally escape would you go back or send a love one to pet it? I disclosed to (2) pastors at this church personal and heart felt feelings that I thought and grew up and was told you can talk to your pastor, because he is a man of God. Im open to discussions what Im not open to is people telling me what God wants me to do with my time and resources. hypocrite. Those who judge people like that WILL BE judged the same way, PERIOD. Yes, we have a tract rack. I did learn a lot. There I am separate does that mean Im never going to curse, or think negative thoughts. If you believe that clapping after special music is wrong because it gives praise to the performer rather than to God, you might be an Independent Fundamental Baptist, 16. You can read some of them in the comments section and in the testimonial section here: At one point in my life I would have agreed with 45 of your 55 litmus tests, plus a few others. I dont even know what a Scofield Bible is but I believe God can use divorced people. He wasnt saying that spanking is right or wrong, but that definitely extreme discipline and beating kids is not what the Bible teaches. 9. Ill fight against the abusive traditions and teachings of the IFB till I die. If you think that three church services per week is the minimum and that you must attend all three every week, you might be an Independent Fundamental Baptist, 9. We believe that the only marriage recognized by Scripture is the joining of one man and one woman. I have no position or opinion of this The IFB are Pharisees of our day. Hypocrites! Of course these cultural attachments border on the cultic, no doubt are legalistic, and hopefully will disappear eventually as the old guard depart their bondage in this life for Glory! WebNo denomination, governmental body, or religious hierarchy may dictate the church's beliefs or practices. 22 And when you swear by heaven, you are swearing by the throne of God and by God, who sits on the throne. Interesting that Steve begins his response by taking the Lords name in vainmmmmmmm, very interesting, but hes found the truth, riiiiight. The IFB ostracizes people when they leave. Believers will be caught up to be with the Lord prior to the seven years of tribulation, and at the end of the tribulation Christ will return with His saints to establish His thousand-year reign on the earth (I Thessalonians 4:13-18; Titus 2:13; I Thessalonians 1:10; Revelation 3:10; Zechariah 14:4-11; Revelation 19:11-16, 20:1-6; Psalm 89:3-4). The New IFB began with Steven Anderson of Faithful Word Baptist Church in response to perceived liberalism in other independent Baptist churches. You dont just GO WITH THE FLOW. An independent Baptist Missionary (24 years in Romania) has posted a site The Laymans Biblical Handbook. More than 200 doctrines at Would you go back and pet a dog after it bit you? around the world wherever our Lord directs. Sons of vipers! Many on here were saved at a IFB church. 51. If you think that mental health issues (depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, etc.) Members all so giving that it made me want to be a giving person. Stil fit. If you see buses full of kids of all ethnicities and backgrounds coming to worship together, you might be an Independent Fundamental Baptist. lm 8:4-9; Colossians 3:9-11). Like I said, Im more than happy to have a discussion. We believe in the natural divisions of Scriptures as a basis for study. Fellowship, guidance, and encouragement of the local church family are essential for believers to maintain an unwavering testimony and a meaningful life of service. The pastors name is Kevin Draganac. Peace. THESE SERMON OUTLINES By Michael D. ONeal, Founder and Pastor Since 1986 Of. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets. Here are my concerns about the beliefs since I am not Independent Baptist, Southern Baptist, or part of any Baptist affiliation: I dont see how. This list reminded me of a few I forgot about, but one I dont think youve mentioned yet is If your teenage boys and girls have to be separate and swim in different pools or at different times when you are on a teen outing or camping trip lol. Tithing is also commanded in the bible and we are to give because he loves us and give with a joyful heart. Does he always heal people no. I received these because of lies that I was single with no income. If you think that three church services per week is the minimum and that you must attend all three every week (Sunday mornings, Sunday evenings, and Wednesday evenings for Bible studies which I will assume) I cant agree with this, you must attend at least one. As of 2019, the New IFB listed 32 affiliated co We believe that the ecumenical movement is a demonic attempt to unite all Christian denominations around experience to the disregard of biblical doctrine. Instead of reprimanding me why dont you pray for the lost? You are still required to tithe in the IFB regardless of your source of income. Hypocrites! I dont know what Daves intentions were. You better be right with God and have your name written in the lambs book of life. If your denomination knocked on their door im sure they wouldnt have gotten saved and the helped they needed. We ONLY pray to God because saints dont serve as mediators to God the Father. If that doesnt raise red flags for you I dont know what will. 8 Dont let anyone call you Rabbi, for you have only one teacher, and all of you are equal as brothers and sisters. Wow! Even when the family goes on vacation, we go to church. If you believe that your health issue is the result of sin in your life, you might be an Independent Fundamental Baptist, 49. Thanks. If you had one opportunity to send a lost love one time to any church , which would it be ? But I still think that every Christian should spend some time in an IFB church. If you think that you can be a better Christian or have more favor with the Lord with good performance You cant make up for sins nor can salvation be earned. He that loveth his wife loveth himself. All Catholics will not go to heaven is absolutely wrong. Quite the contrary, I was searching for something else when I clicked on this link, so I didnt then and dont now come looking to argue. Marriage for two people that want to make a life together is biblical. Believers in a free society should influence government toward righteousness, but should not make an unholy alliance for control, influence, or favors. 1. Many churches are about the money, as is some of their pastors. I will say though having grown up in that environment, there was a HUGE sense of support from the congregation, I always knew that if I needed something, I had people surrounding me who would help. If you believe that declining to spank your child is the equivalent to spoiling him/her, you might be an Independent Fundamental Baptist If your not getting a lot out of your bible read I would recommend a switch to Kjv and to define any word you dont know Slow down reading and meditate on what your reading dont read as a duty each day but as a searching for fellowship each day. You are correct! Matthew 6:14-15 is a warning not a command. That may mean dressing appropriately and not dis honoring your body because its a holy temple. your comments are offensive, you are narrow minded. We only care when we see new faces in the church, whether guests or new members. 48. But I did want to let you know that although some ifb churches may not be the best it doesnt make us a cult. If you run into a church member at the grocery store and see that they have a bottle of wine or maybe a 6-pack of beer in their cart and you struggle over whether you should share this information with your pastor, you might be and independent fundamental Baptist! The explosion caused property damage but no injuries or deaths. It seemed more like an attack on what the Bible says about life than on a denomination. Im going back to my independent baptist church where there is no compromising. Hmm, I cant think of a better word to describe the workings of the IFB! We got saved that day September 14, 2014. If you think that you can be a better Christian or have more favor with God with good performance, you might be an Independent Fundamental Baptist, 54. 3 And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brothers eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye? It took exposure to more mature Christians (who were not not IFB!) We did 2 weeks of counseling and got married at the end of our last session. I forgave through the example of Jesus. Just please be sure that your judging is fair. Please get away from the IFB as far as you can, as fast as you can. You might be an independent Fundamental Baptist if. I forgot to mention my concerns on some of the other beliefs of the Independent Fundamental Baptist Church: The thing is, its so insidious, you dont really realize its happening until youre firmly entrenched. If you think that any rational thought is dangerous because it may lead you to believe something different than what the IFB believes, you might be an Independent Fundamental Baptist, 50. Baptism of believers by immersion in water symbolizes sincere faith in Christ's death, burial, and resurrection with the desire to walk in newness of life. I assure you that Im living exactly how God wants me to be living and Im doing it outside of the IFB (yes it can be done LOL). If you believe women shouldnt wear pants, you might be an Independent Fundamental Baptist, 12. All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: If Just As I Am causes you to repent and go to the altar, you might be an Independent Fundamental Baptist. They were so grieved by the fact that they had broken a 30+ year record of being at church three times a week. 26. Did you read it? If you believe that the wine referred to in the Bible is nothing more than fruit of the vine (AKA grape juice), you might be an Independent Fundamental Baptist, 26. Independent Baptists (a.k.a. The New Independent Fundamental Baptist network, most prominently associated with anti-LGBTQ pastor Steven Anderson, appears to be in turmoil as infighting again erupts, this time between Anderson and fellow pastors in the network. That is the only sin that cannot be forgiven. Our only Head is the Lord Jesus Christ and our only headquarters is heaven. Everyone as an individual should get right with God in whatever he has commanded them. 7. This is an assumption.. to show me the folly of my performance-based religion. It was fun to read down through comments and feel a little gratified that not everyone was chuckling to themselves againwhy?? God Wasnt going to see our fornicating as bringing glory to him. JUDAH. or any combination of the above isnt really saved because of that/those behavior(s), you might be an Independent Fundamental Baptist, 52. 33 Nevertheless let every one of you in particular so love his wife even as himself; and the wife see that she reverence her husband. It teaches parents to use their authority to prod, guide, and correct their children. Neither should control the other. God forgave my husband through Christ. If you believe that someone who smokes, drinks, parties, dances, listens to secular music, listens to Christian contemporary music, etc. (Romans 13:1-7; Ephesians 5:21-6:4; Hebrews 13:17; I Peter 2:13-15). You are falling right in line with what they want someone who will robotically obey them. Im happy to defend my position, but I dont tolerate assumptions, attacks, accusations, judgments, bullying or anything of the like. My husband sinned, and wanted forgiveness. Romans 5:8 8. In the last days, you will get churches like you have described in your initial post, but not all of them are the same. If your pastor preaches against smoking because it is bad for the body but is himself an obese glutton, you might be an Independent Fundamental Baptist, 25. Most people find it hard to swallow that anyone really thinks that way at all. 7 They love to receive respectful greetings as they walk in the marketplaces, and to be called Rabbi.. They will not participate, as a church, in any outside function with churches which do not also strictly base their faith and practice on the New Testament. Abortion constitutes the unjustified, inexcusable taking of unborn human life. Only a person who has embraced the Savior in fa Continue Reading 4 AbdulQadir Salati Im glad they didnt because Id probably be ashamed admitting Im a liar. You should do something else with the time God has aloud you.Nonsense is not what people need to hear. Would the lost or questioning feel that even if someone is attacking your comments, that youre setting an example that they could adopt? Believe it or not I can find time to pray while at the same time not sending my loved ones to an abusive church. WebBaptists reject the notion of baptism of people who do not know what is happening to them, such as children. That being said, your list is probably only funny to those of us who have lived it. 8. He granted his permission to work in the Infant Ministry and Toddler, and 3-4 year old Ministry. Its about Jesus. Yes, believers disagree, theres nothing wrong with that. Everyone has health issues. [5], In 2021, the NIFB-affiliated First Works Baptist Church in El Monte, California was bombed with an improvised explosive device. 4 How can you think of saying to your friend, Let me help you get rid of that speck in your eye, when you cant see past the log in your own eye? If the devil is going to attack, he will attack the family and the church first. Grow your faith in a less toxic environment. 27 That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish. While I am not against crucifixes but using them in public worship is idolatry because the bible forbids idols. His son a child murderer. If your church has a tract rack outside the sanctuary, you might be an Independent Fundamental Baptist, 22. 28. (Mat 22:37-40) Can you honestly say that this is of God. BUT, there is good news! He perhaps worded somethings poorly perhaps, but he is completely turned off by your attitude and responses Steve. For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you: It is awful that they put the rules and instructions of their mythology ahead of their love for Wow, nice list. 2. There are a couple places but, they're all pretty much much secular and worldly. If your church as at least 2 Revivals per year, you might be an Independent Fundamental Baptist. God speaks to individuals through His Word and His Spirit. If you believe that stateaccreditationfor a college is bad because it means that the government dictates what that college can/does teach,you might be an Independent Fundamental Baptist, 30. Yes. If you believe going to the movies is a sin but not renting movies or watching them on TV, you might be an Independent Fundamental Baptist, 10. I didnt really say you can get drunk on grape juice but if I did, I might be a little confused. I mean, why would you think its too liberal to sing anything other than hymns in the church because, there are some churches within the Southern Baptist Convention, which is different from the IFB, that have a contemporary music worship in one service and have traditional hymns in another service. Most Christians believe everything in the Bible. We cant save people, only God can. See if you recognize any. Im truly sorry for those who were mistreated and sorry if bitterness is hurting you now. We also teach that one must hear the Word of God, one must believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God, one must repent of your sins, one must confess that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God, one must be baptized for the remissions of sins, and one must live faithful until death. God knows the names of his children and for anyone to accuse another of security in Christ is hypocrisy. (Genesis 2:24; Genesis 19:5, 13; Genesis 26:8-9; Leviticus 18:1-30; Romans 1:26-29; 1 Corinthians 5:1, 6:9; 1 Thessalonians 4:1-8; Hebrews 13:4). We believe that Jesus Christ died for every man, and that each individual chooses to accept or reject the grace of God (Hebrews 2:9; I John 2:2). First wash the inside of the cup and the dish,[i] and then the outside will become clean, too. We believe the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments to be the Bible, as it is in truth, the Word of God (I Thessalonians 2:13). This is simply an attempt to bring some humor to the blog for the readers enjoyment. The sacredness of human personality is evident in that God created man in His own image and is mindful of him, and in that Christ died for man; therefore every individual possesses dignity and is worthy of respect and Christian love. I do into great detail about why I believe the IFB is cultish in practice. New Independent Fundamentalist Baptist churches (also known as the New IFB) or officially the New Independent Fundamental Baptist Movement are an association of conservative, King James Only, independent Baptist churches. Im mocking IFB beliefs many of which arent scriptural. 29 What sorrow awaits you teachers of religious law and you Pharisees. Hypocrites! We told to get married. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Some of these doctrines are as listed. I grew up in a baptist church and went elsewhere after college and I am learning how liberal other churches are and anything goes as long as the people are happy. I forgave him before he changed. Please dont mistake this for a lack of respect or an attempt to minimize the seriousness of the abuse that happens among the Independent Fundamental Bapitsts. I dont have a boarden to preform any religious works. the Bible teaches us to prove and test matters. As I sit under preaching, sing worship songs unto the Lord, pray earnestly, read my Bible as often as I can, and search through commentaries to help me gain a deeper knowledge instead of surface reading, I KNOW Im drawing closer to God in a personal relationship with Him. WebHeartland Baptist Bible College is unique. [9][10] On the weekend of the third anniversary of the shooting, the New IFB held a "Make America Straight Again" conference at an Orlando-area New IFB church. Looks like youve forgotten to include haircuts (length and style of hair). But it cannot be pleasant carrying all that bitterness around with you every day. Just because we forgive people doesnt mean we are obligated to marry them or anything else. Its the inspired word of God. We believe his power is supernatural, yet limited; and that he cannot act without the permission of God (Job 1:6-12; I John 4:4). The IFB is the organization hurting His cause. If you think that tithing of ten percent of your income is the minimum I dont have any position on this even though I do believe in tithes and offerings. Cleveland Baptist Church - Cleveland, OH - Pastor Kevin Folger ; Community Baptist No, its only announced in the powers points as a time and place. Pastor Wilkerson was the one and ONLY pastor who allowed me to work passionately in what ever church ministry I chosen. 1. A Baptist church may choose to associate with other churches of like faith around mutual interests or ministry opportunities, but one church cannot exert authority over another. In 1974 Kenneth Chrismans father passed away. We need no other human agent or spiritual mediator. I also KNOW the areas that Hes not pleased with as I choose to hold on to that which the Bible clearly states as sin. WebWOL's Directory of Independent Baptist Churches; Independent Baptist Churches. Wow! 2. 32 Go ahead and finish what your ancestors started. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 Back then, you had to wear your Sunday best. If you party, DO NOT drink. Point is that we are to edify with love and meekness all brothers and sisters in Christ, not criticize in front of a lost world. at people who raise their hands during worship music you might be an Independent Fundamental Baptist, 34. Tattoos are the marks of the Devil I really dont know if they are marks of the devil but I do agree that tattoos are sinful even if its against the Old Testament. If you think that the title Pastor is the synonym for the man of God this is not the case in the church I go to. We believe that all the saved should live in such a manner as not to bring reproach upon their Savior and Lord; and, that separation from all religius apostasy, all worldly and sinful pleasures, practices and associations is commanded of God (II Timothy 3:1-5; Romans 12:1, 2, 14:13; I John 2:15-17; II John 9-11; II Corinthians 6:14-7:1). Scofield came to know Christ AFTER all of that, so I dont hold that against him. Should I choose not to forgive after Christ has already died for him? [2] They are described by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) as "a loose network of independent churches concentrated in the U.S. connected by their belief in certain religious doctrines and a shared brand of deeply anti-LGBTQ and antisemitic teachings." All youve done in your last paragraph is parrot typical IFB talking points no substance there, just regurgitation. WebIndependent Fundamental Baptist churches have fellowship one with the other and often cooperate in such endeavors as evangelism. And Pastor of Bible-Believing, Fundamental, Independent. It is the Divine Revelation of God to man and is the complete and infallible guide to faith and life. 6. 25. Very few men are qualified to be pastors using your interpretation of scripture. You can read some of the experiences here: I want to respond to your #30. We believe that men are justified by faith alone and are accounted righteous before God only through the merit of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. They have distinct responsibilities and operations. Then you have churches with no standards . Told to leave them to the hog mire until they return to the father.. If you believe that the IFB isnt a denomination because they are Independent, you might be an Independent Fundamental Baptist, 37. Yes, see my answer to your first question. There are those who are called to rebuke abusive religious practices. 2 For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. Jesus said I came for the lost sheep of the house of Israel.. Judah has always been with God. We went to th IFB church that next day to say we went to get them off our back. No, thats silly! If the people in your church are truly humble, forgive easily, and believe that everyone is worthy of grace, you might be an Independent Fundamental Baptist. The Baptist distinctives are listed below: The Bible is our sole authority for faith and practice.
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