Delivering the latest news and official products from the Wizarding World and our partners. @kay, agree! While Luna Lovegood says some downright outlandish things, she also has the capability of being incredibly wise. People can always count on an intelligent Ravenclaw if they're pressed for time, but only if that Ravenclaw is willing to help. Here's how you know #RavenclawLife is right for you Maybe you're someone who counts down the days between ComicCons. Rowena Ravenclaw In Lockhart's case, he's so self-obsessed that he doesn't even notice anything else going on around him, like the fact that Hogwarts is in danger and Harry can hear snakes in detention. The best examples of these negative Ravenclaw traits come from Moaning Myrtle, Ollivander, and Helena Ravenclaw. For example, Luna isn't the smartest when it comes to book smarts, but she is emotionally intelligent, curious, and unique. Articulate, aware, clever people give you tingly feelings in your most intimate of bits. This independence is the more positive side of their tendency to be aloof. Luna Lovegood). She's naturally witty, as are many of the Ravenclaws, like Professor Flitwick, Luna Lovegood, and even Lockhart. "Without wishing to boast, this is the house where the cleverest witches and wizards live. The Great Hall with the Ravenclaw banners raised, Symbol of Ravenclaw as seen in Harry Potter: Puzzles & Spells, The Ravenclaw House point hourglass as seen in the console versions of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (video game). Especially if you were talking about something boring. Well, it could be true in the pursuit of knowledge. As a result, seeing Ravenclaws doing something out of the ordinary was pretty normal. The arched windows set into the walls of our circular common room look down at the school grounds: the lake, the Forbidden Forest, the Quidditch pitch and the Herbology gardens. While people in other houses can also be really smart, they often use learning as a means to an end, while a Ravenclaw will take great joy in learning for the sake of it. While it is true that a According to the original Pottermore welcome letter, when Ravenclaws are extremely upset he makes little cupcakes do a dance to cheer them up. For instance, can you recall Hermione schooling Ron about spells? [6] Thus, many Ravenclaws tended to be academically motivated and talented students. The Head of House is Professor Severus Snape, and the common room can be found down in the dungeons under the lake (which only adds to the Slytherin air of mystery). Working hard is part of being a Ravenclaw. Hufflepuff is where you will find the most trustworthy and hardworking students. Or even improving your decision-making skills. Often hard-working and diligent, as often was the case with intellectuals with a predisposition for academics, some of the pupils sorted under the blue-bronzed eagle were known to be inclined to dismiss certain social expectations for the sake of satisfying their own intellectual curiosity. Of course, youd think everyone would be like Luna Lovegood, right? Because he was different and a lot shorter than anybody else. A temporary professor at Hogwarts, And while he wasnt particularly good at remembering stuff. She thinks that Harry is not good enough for Cho and makes her opinion known. Ravenclaw came second for the third house cup with 26,916,194 points. The rest of the school thinks she never speaks, but shell talk to Ravenclaws. Luna, for instance, is very emotionally intuitive. However, Hermione stated in her first year when figuring out the complicated riddle, beneath the trapdoor, that most wizards and witches did not have much sense of logic,[31] which might be something that Ravenclaw noticed herself and decided to use clever riddles instead of passwords, as they were safer than some words. Ravenclaws learn quickly, and you'll soon enjoy the challenges the door sets. They also prided themselves on being original in their ideas, and methods. You see, Ravenclaws thrived in academic success. This is a great way to meet fellow Ravenclaws from other years, and to learn from them although it is a bit annoying if you've forgotten your Quidditch robes and need to get in and out in a hurry. One of the students that already passed the ceremony with the sorting hat is Luna Lovegood. They also preferred competing against each other. "Im sure youll have a good night. But do you know what happens when youre too self-aware? As a result, they didnt just want to beat other houses. When your friend says, "When I read, or watch a movie or TV, I like to just kind turn off and not think, so I pick fluffy crap," this legitimately blows your mind. Relative to Gryffindor, Slytherin, or even Hufflepuff, not much is known about Ravenclaw, the Hogwarts house known for producing some of the brightest, quirkiest, Element 2 Kageyama Tobio Uses Ravenclaw Traits To Excel At Volleyball (Haikyuu!!) She knows when Harry needs company, and she senses when he needs space. Their love of knowledge also makes them more likely to be aware of the etymology of spellcasting, and able to create new spells or adapt them almost intuitively. One of the best Ravenclaw traits is how quick they are on their feet. [28] Many Ravenclaws (such as Cho Chang) joined Dumbledore's Army and fought in the Battle of Hogwarts along with Gryffindors and Hufflepuffs. TM & WBEI. We tend to rely too much on the first piece of information given to us, almost like our mind is anchored and we int, On the Psychology of Your Harry Potter House, On Why Its Annoying When People Copy You. Sure, Ill give credit where credits due. And I dont need to explain why intelligence is such a good trait. For example, remember when Sirius Black escaped from prison? Delivering the latest news and official products from the Wizarding World and our partners. Harry Potter believed that they tended to side with Gryffindor in its rivalry with Slytherin, as did Hufflepuff house. And even discover the magical powers of the number 7. Ravenclaws are seen as clever. And in their efforts of being original and exploring new ideas. Its hard to identify Ravenclaws as a collective because they are all more likely to be individual and inward-focused. According to J.K. Rowling, Hufflepuff corresponds to the element of earth. In some ways, this makes them more like Gryffindors than other houses and they are also willing to bend the rules, as they will come up with creative explanations of how they are technically not doing anything wrong. And it brought out the worst in them instead. Because their intelligence comes with a sense of duty to prove things too. Garrick Ollivander, for example, possessed an eidetic memory and can remember every wand he has sold,[21] and Gilderoy Lockhart had an exceptional talent in the Memory Charm.[22]. You see, everyone elses Boggarts took on the form of really nasty things. If you are looking for the brainiest students you would find them in Ravenclaw (with a couple of notable exceptions like Hermione Granger). Grey Lady[6][10] WebAnswer (1 of 7): 1. Of course, Ravenclaw isn't the only house that can be seen as arrogant, as both Gryffindors and Slytherins show this side of themselves as well only the Hufflepuffs are known for being humble. Traits Erasmus was almost certainly a Ravenclaw. Thank you so much, Professor! RavenclawTraits. Ravenclaws possess the traits of cleverness, wisdom, wit, intellectual ability and creativity. Notable Alumni. Rowena Ravenclaw founded Ravenclaw House. Ravenclaw Tower. The Ravenclaw common room and dormitories are located in Ravenclaw Tower on the west side of the castle.Welcome Message. Old Pottermore. Behind the ScenesReferencesSee Also Unlike the other common rooms in the school, a logical riddle given by a bronze eagle-shaped knocker must be answered to enter. She thinks outside the box, a trait that does her house proud. And I know, based on my Muggleworld personality, idiosyncrasies, and motivators that Ravenclaw is the place for me. Because of this, they tend to stay out of trouble and do their own thing. Harry Potter Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. And I dont think even Umbridge can recover from a witty burn like that. Garrick Ollivander Ravenclaws are also known for being rather creative and ingenious. This simple barrier has kept out everyone but Ravenclaws for nearly a thousand years. And her arrogance really showed earlier in the story. [Source], Ravenclaw was one of the four Houses of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. If you're friends with other Ravenclaws, you take pride in the Genius Posse you've assembled. WIZARDING WORLD Publishing and Theatrical Stage Rights J.K. Rowling. Famous Ravenclaw Ministers for Magic include Millicent Bagnold, who was in power on the night that Harry Potter survived the Dark Lord's curse, and defended the wizarding celebrations all over Britain with the words, I assert our inalienable right to party.' People fawn over your ability to innovate and see things in unique, fascinating new ways. So we can thank their intelligence for helping beat the Dark Lord. And everybody deserves to be proud of their accomplishments. We can imagine youre the kind of person who is always one step ahead, has a dark sense of humour, thinks reputation is important, takes pride in their appearance and doesnt let anyone see their soft side. They have a wide variety of interests, and they have a knack for being very good at them. Related: Harry Potter: The 10 Richest Ravenclaw Characters. However, the Sorting Hat did admit that she was almost placed into Ravenclaw instead. A fellow Ravenclaw instructor at Hogwarts. Cho Chang actually took her friends side. Its a lifelong process that you never really stop doing until your time comes. Readers are immersed in the wizarding life inside of Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry, where pupils start their journey by being sorted into one of four houses: Hufflepuff, Gryffindor, Ravenclaw and Slytherin. Most fans think of Ravenclaws as the academic type. A climactic fight against Voldemort and his Dark wizards. If the Sorting Hat placed you here, you would have demonstrated qualities like courage, bravery and determination. On top of that, Professor Trelawneys no slouch in the eccentric department. cleverness, wisdom, wit, intellectual ability and creativity. These students aren't often concerned about the day-to-day details and can be a bit forgetful because of it. "As for the Hufflepuffs, well, nobody could say theyre not nice people. The Head of House before and during Harry Potter's time was Filius Flitwick. And many of us learn that poking our noses in everything will only get us into trouble. Thus, many Ravenclaws tended to be academically motivated and talented students. WebHufflepuff House is one of the four Houses of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and was founded by Helga Hufflepuff. You see, it goes back to them being creative. No other house in the school has such stunning views. In fact, Professor Trelawney taught Divination. Its actually a great trait that many Ravenclaws share and should be proud of. In fact, its 1 of Gryffindors best traits too. Even if it was a type of magic that other Hogwarts houses would steer clear of. For example, people looked down on Filius Flitwick because he was a half-goblin. They also prided themselves on being original in their ideas, and methods. We not only accept off-beat eccentrics for who they are but welcome them into our lives with open arms. A famous Arithmancer that specialized in number magic. But can you remember when she saw Harry Potter distressed? Well, it was Professor McGonagall telling her that she failed her exams. The Ravenclaw Common Room does not appear in, Ravenclaw is the only House from which no, No Ravenclaw student Sortings are shown in the. Ravenclaws have all the above traits, but can differ in how extroverted they are. So what makes it a good trait among Ravenclaws, you ask? [23] On the other hand, a particularly poorly-phrased riddle might bemuse a particular student, blocking them from entering and forcing them to sleep outside. Ravenclaw came fourth for the second house cup with 45,455,773 points. Since Ravenclaws are not strict moralists in the same way that Gryffindors are, it can give leeway to less savory acts from Ravenclaw wizards, though certainly not outright evil. 21 Good And Bad Gryffindor House Traits [Ultimate List], 101 Best Harry Potter Quotes (Funny & Inspirational! Well, even research agrees that a bit of humor is good for you. You can read more about his childhood here. Or maybe you'll pair that with an amazing pair of boots and an impeccably tailored jacket with just the right jewelry. Members [7][9] It is unknown when he became head of house, but it is known that he was teaching Charms in 1971. Let's be honest: iIf you are, you were probably smart enough to figure it out on your own without this list anyway. IntelligenceWitWisdomCreativityOriginalityIndividualityAcceptanceSharpness, The Sorting Hat, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. And they think every smart wizard is Ravenclaw. Our dormitories are in turrets off the main tower; our four-poster beds are covered in sky blue silk eiderdowns and the sound of the wind whistling around the windows is very relaxing. Its symbol, ), 13 Crazy Facts About Merope Gaunt (Harry Potter Character), 13 Weird Facts About Marvolo Gaunt (Harry Potter Character), 23 Odd Facts About Cornelius Fudge (Traits, Quotes & More), 15 Surprising Facts About Fluffy (Harry Potter Character), 21 Odd Facts About Filius Flitwick (Traits, Quotes & More). Gilderoy Lockhart was one of the most arrogant wizards from Ravenclaw House and craved attention. But even if you count out the most amazing ones. Hufflepuff can be too trusting. Im Dr. Darcie Dixon, welcome to Behavioural Sassonomics, the site where I explore the oddities and absurdities of human behaviour! Ravenclaw Luna Lovegood, for example, was one such student: eccentric to put it at its mildest, she was a Ravenclaw student who initially was bullied for her open defiance of conventionality, but ultimately became a celebrated wizarding naturalist and renowned for her participation in the legendary Battle of Hogwarts and past membership in Dumbledore's Army. In fact, I'd advise you to triple-check your bag for everything you need before leaving Ravenclaw Tower. 2023 BDG Media, Inc. All rights reserved. (The best, according to some of his students). After all, Hogwarts was located and named based on a dream that Hogwarts founder Rowena Ravenclaw had in which a warty hog led her to the Black Lake. Brought to you by Wizarding World Digital, a partnership between Warner Bros. and Pottermore. House Ghost: The Grey Lady They had some of the biggest perfectionists in the wizarding world. We're going to get all the info on Ravenclaw." But even the Sorting Hat took more than 5 minutes to decide. Step this way to our Sorting Hat Quiz! However, Ravenclaws being secretive does get in the way sometimes. Ravenclaws and cancers are independent and self-reliant but also loyal to the ones they love. Smart is sexy. And their knack of being witty is unrivaled by any other Hogwarts house. But a lot of them are actually pretty good with jokes too. However, their strong academic intellect does not necessarily define the Ravenclaw house it is their desire to gain knowledge at every opportunity. Ravenclaw is one of the four Houses of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. It creates a rivalry where students from other houses dont interact much. Hufflepuff was the most inclusive among the four houses, valuing hard work, dedication, patience, loyalty, and fair play rather than a particular aptitude in its members. Ravenclaws are also known for being rather creative and ingenious. And can you guess who pieced the clues together? Ravenclaws would resort to some of the worst tactics. Contact Us - Harry Potter: The 5 Most Admirable Ravenclaw Traits (& The following translations have changed the name: *Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. Eagles are a symbol for a broader vision and strength of mind and heart. Gryffindors havent got our intellectual curiosity, whereas weve got no problem if you want to spend your days and nights cracking eggs in a corner of the common room and writing down your predictions according to the way the yolks fall. Ravenclaw House is full of clever, studious, thoughtful, and unique witches and wizards. Ravenclaw won the fifth house cup with 28,048,578 points. RELATED: 10 Dumbest Things The Ravenclaws Ever Did In Harry Potter. Perhaps you marathon watch David Attenborough documentaries or have a blog about Game of Thrones fashion. They wont shy away from telling me the stuff that hurts to hear. However, many other Ravenclaws, such as Cho Chang, also display their individualism. Its founder was the medieval witch Helga Hufflepuff. And Ravenclaws had a bad habit of being manipulative. The mixture is a closely guarded secret but the price has remained at two Sickles a scoop for a hundred years. However, Ravenclaws tend to be a bit more arrogant about their intelligence and logic. Perpetually sullen, Kageyama Tobio from Haikyuu!! We can imagine that you would get to sit up in Ravenclaw Tower, while surveying the excellent views, if youre the type of person who analyses everything, is an overachiever, can be described as away with the fairies, is not afraid to be an individual and has a head stuffed full of interesting facts. It's not immediately obvious that varied characters like Lockhart, Cho, and Luna, all belong to the same house, after all. "Another cool thing about Ravenclaw is that our people are the most individual some might even call them eccentrics. Plain old jeans and a t-shirt aren't going to cut it for you (unless you accessorize with, like, a tiara or something). Being a perfectionist can have its upsides. This house crest boasts Ravenclaws signature colours of blue and bronze. They arent as likely to get involved with house rivalries and get along pretty well with the Gryffindors and Hufflepuffs even if they do stay somewhat aloof. One of the best Ravenclaw traits is wittiness. Bad Ravenclaw Personality TraitsCunning. While Ravenclaws are intelligent and usually have good intentions, they sometimes use their guile to their advantage to manipulate people.Arrogant. Ravenclaws have a lot to be proud of, and sometimes that goes to their head. Snobby. Calculating. Judgmental. Related: Harry Potter: 10 Things About Ravenclaw House That Make No Sense. They can also be quirky and possess unusual intellectual interests. One of the best Ravenclaw traits is wittiness. And it makes them pay more attention to the world around them. Because their intelligence makes them feel like theyre always in the right. The houses are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. But too much pride blinds them from the truth. And a lot of people can learn from it too. In fact, he used a protection spell right before saying: A little extra wisdom never goes amiss, Potter, but I hardly think it would be much use in this situation!. Wit beyond measure, And did Filius Flitwick push Harry Potter aside because he was preoccupied? If not always in the way we expect.". Cho Chang only warmed up to Harry after Cedric Diggory's death, and while Luna Lovegood was emotionally intelligent, her oddities created distance between her and the majority of the student body.
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