Or considered not intelligent, cause Ive suffered from this. Now that we're over 10 years out from her starring turn on Baywatch, the feeling is pretty much mutual. Well you know if you dont do anything, nothing will change. Check out the Myers Briggs test. I have to wash my hands a lot because of it and change my clothes even if I cant see the food on me. What a good therapist will find out is what is it that is allowing this construct to be present in you and what needs to change so you can let it go, Tropophobia Can also be having fear of small holes or clustered patterns all close together I know that because I suffer from it. (Bacillophobia) If I eat something sticky or something sticky gets on my skin and I cant get it off of me, it basically freaks me out. Poinephobia Fear of punishment. I like that i have this phobia and try as much as possible to stay away from guys. Dysmorphophobia Fear of deformity. Is therea name for fear of being given romantic affection? Even without a name, any fear and be alleviated. People try talking me into dating but i always refuse. Enochlophobia Fear of crowds. . Its not a phobia, its called sensory processing disorder. Nostophobia Fear of returning home. Now people can fear just about anything, because the mechanism for many fears is virtually the same, its just focused on different subject matter. I have a fear of wet hands touching me, like when u spend a while in the shower ur hands start to go wrinkly and if im at the swimming baths i cant stand it if someone trys to come up to me and touch me. Not afraid of glass in general just drinking from it. Hello, I have a friend who behaves oddly whenever part of his body goes numb such as when he sits too long. Is there a fear of somebody finding your weakness????? Its not paranoia, but if i feel like someone is following me or just imaging it happen scares me to death mostly out of a distrust for people and not knowing thier intentions (and not really wanting to find out in that situation. Failure? Angelina Jolies famous ex-husband, Billy Bob Thornton, is reportedly afraid of antique furniture and cannot stand being in a room having one. Your nervous system (mind, emotions) can potentially link a fear to any idea or subject matter, so to answer your question, yes. Image Source. Call866-718-9995. Britney's fear of lightning was uncovered on an episode of The X Factor USA. As i was cleaning it and talking to my friend i suddenly felt disgusted that i didnt get rid of it soon. Rhypophobia Fear of defecation. Because I feared being in open spaces indeed, because of past experiences that have happened causing severe mental distress; trauma. -Ana. When I subscribe to a famous person's YouTube channel or follow them on Instagram, I'm terrified they're going to private message me and ask me to hang out or something. Probably, but if you are looking to place a name on it, we dont have it hear. Toxiphobia, Toxophobia or Toxicophobia Fear of poison or being accidently poisoned. That is really how phobia names are created and you dont need to be a doctor. If you are seeking help, anyone in the health profession will understand what you are speaking of, If someone can think it, there can be a fear of it. Oh god, when I was younger I used to be super scared that Id get sucked up into them. Seplophobia Fear of decaying matter. I wished I could fly around the world to escape the night. The agora was a market and meeting place in ancient Greece. And when I say insane, I mean INSANE. Can I tell you want the name is, no. Automysophobia Fear of being dirty. Ailurophobia is known to have affected many well-known personalities including some of the most famous names of history Julius Caesar, Napoleon Bonaparte, Mussolini and Alexander The Great. Such as when someone says Ill tell you later but you fear it wont occur, While this could be a phobia, it sounds as though you may have trust issues, either with a particular person or with yourself. My question is WHAT IS THAT CALLED? Who knows what could lurk beneath? You may be suffering from social anxieties, PTSD or some form of paranoid feelings. Im not sure if youre absolutely terrified of forgetting but we most likely have different perceptions on what that would be like (for me, it would be like having everything written on sticky notes and such). I dont know why, I just get AFRAID with the idea of someone/something with a whole story and personality being made up. but i do wish that i could stop all of my OCDs(i got like 4 of them), Nothing changes by doing nothing. Heterophobia Fear of the opposite sex. Im not quite sure how to describe it, for example if a lot of insects were inside your room, covering it then youd fear that, because its an infestation. Does this phobia have a Latin or Greek name did these cultures partake or know of tea drinking? On The Tonight Show, Sedgwick's husband Kevin Bacon revealed his wife's fear of talking food. Menophobia Fear of menstruation. Its not like fear of the unknown though, because if I can see something but I dont know what it is I am fine,and its not fear of the dark because if I have a place memorized it doesnt matter if I cant see thing I know they are there so I am fine. I think it has been worse since the dream came true. The fear of public speaking is so common that some researchers have estimated that as much as 77% of people have some level of this fear. Commenting, "It makes me so nervous. . Botanophobia Fear of plants. Till now not famous celebrity has this fear of tables problem. What is are the functions of diverse organisms? Phobias are one of the most common mental illnesses in the United States. Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Exposure to the source of the fear triggers an irrational response. If they occur frequently or are getting worse, you may seriously think about seeing someone about these or working with someone on these issues. You can name it yourself, just look up the Greek or Latin word(s) for breaking a toe and put phobia behind it, What Would you call the fear of people finding out about ones true self. Photo: David Shankbone / Wikimedia Commons / CC BY-SA 3.0. Hi! Like fear of germs is usually OCD, fear of people is Social Anxiety. Or is there a phobia for being humiliated in public? When I told my friends about it and they started to scratch random things to test me, I yelled stop a million times until they actually stopped. Once, when I was in an extracurricular class and it was break time, this guy got up and just randomly started scratching the blackboard, and I ran out of the classroom screeching. Phronemophobia Fear of thinking. Lachanophobia Fear of vegetables. Not enough info. Achluophobia- Fear of darkness. terrfies me. Meningitophobia Fear of brain disease. I combined all the words. Phobias are common and treatable. Atychiphobia Fear of failure. Allodoxaphobia Fear of opinions. Acousticophobia- Fear of noise. Who is Katy mixon body double eastbound and down season 1 finale? Ive been searching through it over the net, but I cant find one. Someone that has many people crushing on him or falling for him.. No matter how Im crushing on that person or I love him, I just dont wanna be with that person.. Sensory or tactile sensations may give us the chills, but this can start falling into the realm of other interpretations our nervous system can create. Optophobia Fear of opening ones eyes. phobias are irratinal fears with no trauma that might trigger such fear. Like fear of chair then is also not a specific name for fear of tables. Or any plane journey to be honest. So, youre saying that Agoraphobia is an irrational fear that NO trauma might trigger such fear??? But it's not like a clown has ever hurt anyone. Like nets women wear on their heads. People like to throw labels on things and the label of phobia often become a catch all for larger and more complicated concerns. Cacophobia Fear of ugliness. Drinking out of glass, cup or bottle the thought of the glass touching my lips makes my skin crawl. Entomophobia is the fear of bugs, but that will not cover your situation completely. Cancerophobia or Carcinophobia Fear of cancer. Sigmund Freud had pteridophobia, which is the morbid fear of ferns. Pyrexiophobia Fear of Fever. when I notice my 5 year old daughter going up or down the stairs I will always tell her to hold on to the handrail and I will stop anything I was doing and listen to her going up the stairs. Any list of phobias could grow with the addition of newly coined terms for previously unnamed specific phobias. They are just labels. If you are asking for a name to label this fear, there may be one, but I do not know it. Megalophobia Fear of large things. (Baddest of Them All)' on iTunes. Names help in billing clients, working with insurance companies and writing papers, they seldom help in getting people to release them. There is a difference between hating something, and being afraid of it, and people usually know the difference between getting angry over something, and feeling fear. You want to work with someone one to help you get through this. Touching wet towels that arent mine. So yeah . So, that stain disturbed me to much that I ran to my bathroom grabbed a towel and wet it and cleaned it so hard as if it was the dirties thing there. These are unconscious associations and need not follow any form of logic, at least not in the traditional format of logic. Phobias can have a serious impact on well-being, but it is important to remember that you are not alone. There could be a big difference between fear and irritation. It ' s called peristerophobia. Amychophobia Fear of scratches or being scratched. Can there be any such fear, absolutely. What is the fear of everything being fake? Social Phobia Fear of being evaluated negatively in social situations. Its not the height that bothers her either. Ever since then, if I hear a light tapping sound, just barely audible I feel afraid. Many things referred to as phobias are not really phobias. Sleevephobia? Is there a name for this, I dont know, i decided to coin a name for it because I also have it. You are not trusting your bodies ability to do what it does best, which is keep you alive and all thing required to do so. A fan asked the 'Heart Attack' singer her biggest fear in a live web chat, Demi replied with what we deem to be a totally rational fear. On the contrary, if Im the one with the problem Ill wont say anything to a person for months at a time and it gets me super depressed because nothing changes. Nosophobia or Nosemaphobia Fear of becoming ill. Anablephobia Fear of looking up. Many phobias are not difficult to overcome, some take a bit more work and as previously mentioned, others are not really phobias. Theatrophobia Fear of theatres. Maybe someone else can answer this one. Phobias are one of the most common mental illnesses in the United States. Ricci is allegedly also deathly afraid of sharks. Some of the different treatment options include therapy and medication. Sitting in the back row of a Phish concert, guaranteeing a dozen of these in view at any time: Some of you will say there should be a name for when people aren't afraid of clowns, since this proud lineage of entertainers has long been the object of scorn and outright fear. I seem to be getting the feeling a lot lately, its like someone is behind me, watching me but I dont want to turn around because opinion scared of what might be there. Psychological symptoms. Id immediately start walking faster to get away from it as fast as I could or get into a building before it got too close, I wouldnt stop trying to get away until it was out of sight. Not failure. I fear if someone cares that Im alive that I have a purpose, and they want to help me. As for the sneezing and burping, I would first ask, is it really fear or is it disgust or annoyance, because the latter would not be a phobia. Carnophobia Fear of meat. Scopophobia or Scoptophobia Fear of being seen or stared at. Hope that helps. As if your actions are not of your own doing and are done by malicious forces, That may not be a phobia. Agrizoophobia Fear of wild animals. Asthenophobia Fear of fainting or weakness. "I'm a bit of a wimp usually, but because my boyfriend paid for it, I felt that I had to try to be a cool girlfriend and go on everything so I just had to." Anyone can have a fear of anything. For example, if I see a mother pushing her shopping cart and her little toddler/child is standing in the cart or leaning out while mom turned her back & is comparing apples, I need to turn away because I am starting to imagine the kid falling head first to the floor. Hitchcock preferred the sight of blood to egg! However that does not mean they cant be treated. Hedonophobia Fear of feeling pleasure. Any fear that can be imagined can be realized. Paraphobia Fear of sexual perversion. The memory of that nightmare comes rushing back, and I will just about panic if I cant make the sound stop. (Yes, it's so common that it has an actual name! Nancy, about some people having phobias and others not, it is a mental issue and is developed in the brain. Pharmacophobia Fear of drugs. This post was really helpful, I just wanted to know if there was a name or phobia for like fear of being stupid. Especially like balls or any kind of sport containing balls? Does anybody know if there is a phobia of being hypnotised or being in a coma? Happiness is what you create, so take some time on this to work on. Medications may be prescribed in some cases to help manage some of the symptoms you might be experiencing as a result of your phobia. Liam ' s One Direction bandmate Niall Horan apparently has a fear of pigeons when too many are flying overhead. Hobophobia Fear of bums or beggars. Its really weird and I just want it to go away. I could never talk to them, not even DM them on Instagram without having a panic attack. She accidentally stuck the metal hook in my ear when she went to pull some hair through the hair net and i started crying it was like a panic attack. So while a very real condition, we have choosen to leave it off our list. Iatrophobia Fear of going to the doctor or of doctors. A phobia is a persistent, excessive, unrealistic fear of an object, person, animal, activity or situation. EMDR beyond PTSD: A systematic literature review. The American Psychiatric Association doesn't officially recognize this phobia. Gynephobia or Gynophobia Fear of women. Lockiophobia Fear of childbirth. Im not sure if I can describe it to you correctly, but I think I have this fear because Ive broken my arm and leg a few times. That you feel paranoid adds another layer of complexity to this. I got a question: Whats it called when youre afraid of stories not being real? What is fear of balls thrown at me even though they are far, I couldnt see it on here but is haveing clay, oil pastals and chalck on you hands a phobia, Layonie Writing this out now has made me realise that it probably is pharmacophobia, but specifically the fear of medication dependency. So it all depends on how you categorize humanity. The model and reality star revealed on her website that she's terrified of anything with small holes: honeycomb and mousse included. Sometimes the level of awareness is only as useful as our ability to deal with or process it. I immediately close my eyes but the scene will keep replaying in my mind. I know you havent been here since last year, but Its nice to know someone feels the same. Ages Of Harry Styles, Niall Horan, Louis Tomlinson, Liam, Billie Eilishs Dating History: The Singer's Ex-Boyfriends From Brandon Q Adams To, Download 'B.O.T.A. OK, so maybe this phobia is onto something. The primary reason for any fear is we have in some manner associated the fear to the subject at hand, which can come from a one time event or something that has evolved over time. I dont know if its a phobia but I just wanted to leave this comment here anyways. From Britney Spears to Brad Pitt, continue on to discover the array of celebrities who possess phobias of both animals and other things. I have a fear that is quite hard to describe, but in its simplest form, I suppose its a fear of becoming intolerant to pain. Phasmophobia Fear of ghosts. Have the same fear? Caligynephobia Fear of beautiful women. Sorry I cant give you a better answer, Is there a fear of going deaf? Agliophobia- Fear of pain. So I coined the term achillephobia a while ago. I dont have a name for this, maybe someone else knows. All phobias have a Greek or Latin root. Euphobia Fear of hearing good news. 3. There is no way of knowing based on what you have written, however this seems important to you, so find someone to work with in your area. Felinophobia Fear of cats. If my memory serves me correct, the word you are seeking would be Medicuphobia. Haphephobia or Haptephobia Fear of being touched. Eva Mendes is not the only celeb who suffers from the fear of water, also known as aquaphobia. There are other out there with this fear, but I could not tell you percentage of people who have to deal with this. But which one do you think is the strangest?! Not sexually its just someone coming really close to you physically.. and is there a fear of people sneezing or coughing or burping or any of these types of stuff? your hand? I get scared . Try toovercome yourphobia and focus on all the positive things life has to offer. It's not surprising the poor girl has a fear of falling. That is indeed incorrect. There are many dynamics that could be at play here. Henry, not wanting to tell someone something they may not want to hear creates discomfort for many people, it is just to what level. I never learned how to say, Oops, I didnt know that! Its amazing how crippling it is. Its the scariest thing for me. Medications your doctor might prescribe include selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), beta-blockers, and anti-anxiety drugs. I would be really happy if you could include carpophobia since I myself are suffering from it and most people dont know what it is and often joke around with it when I tell them. You can create your own name by taking the Greek or Latin word for what you are seeking and placing phobia behind it. Angrophobia Fear of anger or of becoming angry.
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