Garbage - Life's Little Slices. I Translation Comparison - Matthew 16:16-18, Good News Translation (GNT): Simon Peter answered, You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.. Yes. Gossip always contributes to a problem and never to a solution. Rather, it is designed as a reading Bible that can give you a fresh perspective on a familiar phrase or passage.. Some people explode when they cannot have it. I am not alone. 9 Pray along these lines: Our Father in heaven, we honor your holy name. Those who use and abuse each other, use and abuse sex, use and abuse the earth and everything in it, don't qualify as citizens in God's kingdom. Song of Solomon: Most Amazing . Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Keep us safe from ourselves and the Devil. There is a tool for every job. Here's Warren's 10 Scriptural Reasons Why Jesus Calling is a Dangerous Book, reprinted with permission: And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you. ", The ESV reads: "For this reason God gave them up to dishonorable passions. Samaritans only recognized the first 5 books of the Bible, rejecting the remaining books of the Hebrew Bible. Not the first. God bless. 2 He makes me lie down in green pastures, Taylors lack of understanding of Hebrew and Greek and absent use of the original manuscripts has led to disingenuous passages and verses such as his translation of John 12:15. 3 he refreshes my soul. I will fear no evil, 2. as above, so below. You have bedded me down in lush meadows, Cant find your booklet. "This is how much God loved the world: He gave his Son, his one and only Son. I reached the conclusion that it was very bad and going to deceive a lot more people. And light appeared. The New International A striving after love, is the ethically more demanding choice (1 Corinthians 13:4), while the other, insisting on the right faith, more likely than not will lead to callousness (Gal 1:6-9). Some new Bibles are dangerous because of the theological bias of their translators. They must not be heavy drinkers or troublemakers. It seems the phrases You are in charge, you can do anything you want, you are ablaze in beauty is meant to replace for thine is the kingdom the power and the glory and the yes yes yes is meant to be a translation for amen. Thank you for your comments on The Message, although not very well versed in the bible something in my gut told me that it was wrong. Good for you, Simon son of John! answered Jesus. Millions of evangelicals and other Christian fundamentalists believe that the Bible was essentially dictated by God to men who acted as human channelers. The King James Version 9 After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Throughout history, power has influenced a lot of good . Michael Brown holds a Ph.D. in Near Eastern Languages and Literatures from New York University and has served as a professor at a number of seminaries. 5) Contemporary English Version (CEV) - This translation is another work by the American Bible Society, commonly referred to as the Bible for Today's Family. Photo Credit: Unsplash/Tom Morel Read more Bible translations will vary between these three categories and it is important to know which translation falls into which category, along with other attributes that will make the translation either a faithful representation of the original, infallible, and inerrant Word of God or a misleading book posing as a Bible. His name in Hebrew (Yeshayahu) means "Yah [weh] is salvation.". The answer to why people spend so much time studying the Bible is simple: it is the Word of God! Remove unnecessary links, images, and attachments. I got some belated support and encouragement. One need only look at how the cultural mindset of those who use the Message tends towards a theologically liberal or completely postmodern way of looking at things. A word-for-word translation like the ESV translates this as Fear not, daughter of Zion; behold, your king is coming, sitting on a donkeys colt!, The Living Bible translates this as, Dont be afraid of your King, people of Israel, for he will come to you meekly, sitting on a donkeys colt! Taylors use of dont be afraid is evidence that he does not realize that the common Hebrew expression of fear not means to have confidence.. The following is a list of "Bible" translations that should be avoided for any real and faithful personal Bible study (in a separate article we will look at a list of Bible translations that are encouraged for use). . People dont see the name of the book. I continued my protest. There was no malice in eating and therefore not offensive. Solomon compromised with God's way; he decided to give into his wives' idolatrous practices for personal and political peace (1 Kings 11:1-8). He acted out of grace in Exodus. On the other hand, a man oozing with love and compassion can err by tolerating everything and everyone, thus compromising God's truth. So every version that we read from is a translated interpretation. Sometimes we are ignorant because we did not know there was a need to learn something. Although I was never rude in my emails, seven people complained about me to the church office in one day. And why are they persecuted? It confirms science, reveals the Messiah, and proves that it is supernatural in origin. As a white male . Youre not going to fond the truth any other way. Gossip often thrives upon secrecy. He is asking them who directed them to flee from the wrath that is coming. In this section of the sermon, Jesus uses the example of wildflowers to illustrate how God provides for all creatures. The goal of The Message is to engage people in the reading process and help them understand what they read. Therefore, an overseer must be above reproach, the husband of one wife, sober-minded, self-controlled, respectable, hospitable, able to teach, not a drunkard, not violent but gentle, not quarrelsome, not a lover of money. The Message keeps the language of the gospel compelling and modern. Refusing to know God, they soon didn't know how to be human either women didn't know how to be women, men didn't know how to be men. The pdf file can be accessed at and printed out. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. That is where true salvation begins. Here are a few really good reasons to be a little bit less confident in your ability to see the clear, intended meaning when you read the Bible: 1. Jews believed the temple in Jerusalem was the only proper place to worship God. This was the only Bible they could get. I still get what The Holy Spirit is teaching me and have benefited Spiritually by it.. Schedule II: Drugs with some medically acceptable uses, but with high potential for abuse and/or addiction. True to your word, A couple of church leaders also began to express concerns about the content. We must reject contemporary culture, not change to fit in. Some do know the truth but you will only know that by discovering it yourself. Church officials must be in control of their own families, and they must see that their children are obedient and always respectful. Unjust people who don't care about God will not be joining in his kingdom. 10 your kingdom come, It certainly waters down the living word and I cant see anything in that text that would convict anyone. "[4], The Message was translated by Peterson from the original languages. 2 Timothy 3:16 All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. An overwhelming number of these translations suffer from the strong bias of an unfaithful group of translators. However, despite this attractive feature, it is not a translation that should be used for the seriousness of Bible study, as the simplistic use of English in the Good News Translation has come at a price. Reveal who you are. 12 And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. They would just avoid the passages that had those words in them. Peterson's Approach Yields a Commentary. It is far more difficult to treat with love and kindness someone who disagrees with your faith than it is to denounce and dismiss them (as Paul did). same sex, homosexuality, trey pearson, everyday sunday, christian rock, love is love, back to school, anxiety, fear, college, worry, peace, Burning Scripture with Passion: A Review of The Psalms (The Passion Translation). Clean Up Your Email. I got the phrase As above, so below which appears in The Message and googled it alongside the word Satanism in the presence of the minister. Are you relying on the Holy Spirit to guide your understanding? Therefore My people go into exile for their lack of knowledge; 4 Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. God's Spirit brooded like a bird above the watery abyss. They are persecuted because they wear a cross and bear witness to Jesus. We run to God to understand who he is n to lead us n trust in his word But, to repeat: It should neverbe used as your primary Bible, since it is not a translation of the Bible but rather a free paraphrase of the Bible. Required fields are marked *. Translation is from one language to another. Power . for his names sake. Arthur L. Farstad writes: As a Bible translator and editor myself, I must disagree. 2) The Passion Translation (TPT) - This is another paraphrase translation like The Message. We can get a glimpse of the strengths and weaknesses of The Message by . In Matthew 3:7, Jesus speaks to the people and calls them a brood of vipers. Because you have rejected knowledge, I also will reject you from being My priest. Surely Peterson should do the same. as we also have forgiven our debtors. Almost all of Christianity is deceived and doesnt know the truth. When people began to put emphasis on things that are not important, it alienate people from the things that are. Many young people who want to serve on a short-term basis with us in the the Scottish housing schemes are on fire for the poor and passionate about being "missional" and "breaking down barriers.". Rise to the occasion and preach when it is convenient and when it is not. When bestows glory on anything, its beautiful. Let's look at Leviticus 18:22, first in the ESV, a conservative evangelical translation, then in The Message. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Posted on . Set the world right; I so appreciate your comment, when reading the message bible which is use In my church along with the NIV and both are use, I found it to be valuable to understanding Gods word it not replacing the Bible , it all about evolving period! This one comes from the New Apostolic Reformation ( NAR) camp, from the brain of one man, a human-appointed "Apostle.". It's dangerous to build an opinion of the Bible through the lens of someone else's beliefs. In this powerful message, Pastor Doug investigates a very real threat facing the church in the last days: Satan's plan to neutralize the transforming power of the gospel. John Clark: Ise, thank you for sharing and for your openness. To see additional comparisons other than what is listed below, visit Bible Gateway, where you can view parallel translations of this translation (and any of the other poor translations featured in this article) with the ESV (or any other reliable translation) side by side. 9 After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Ephesians 2:2 reminds us of a time when we were walking according to the way of this world. The Message Bible Good vs. The same would be true for other versions or translations of the Bible, no? They still didnt admit that it was a dubious practice to incorporate this book into a church service, but instead gave the reason that it was causing offence in the church. One implies that the one being delivered is actually out there engaging the enemy (the devil), while the other gives more of a picture of holing up away from other people and not bothering to engage. King James translated the Bible so that it would be relevant for the time that he lived in, to bring in more people into the faith, and to oppress others, namely the Puritans, who didnt adhere to the practices of Christianity. Those who promote use of the Message tend to deny the sinful nature of man and the exclusivity of the Gospel of Jesus Christ alone for salvation. He introduced himself as a God of grace in Genesis. your rod and your staff, Apparently, she told the minister that she couldnt see why it mattered that Eugene Peterson changed Gods words. Your worldview is different. Some people are more religious than GOD. They are convicted because they own a Bible. However, the Holy Spirit has still moved newcomers to the congregation to hear the necessary elements of the Sword of Truth in their message, that leads them to surrender to His Divine Will. Those who use and abuse each other, use and abuse sex, use and abuse the earth and everything in it, don't qualify as citizens in God's kingdom.". Share your favorite bible verse with your friends. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Youre ablaze in beauty! 13 Dont bring us into temptation, but deliver us from the Evil One. It is a potential danger even for those who avoid its more obvious . Peterson inserts his own dogma . It's called " The Passion Translation, " written by Brian Simmons of Stairway Ministries. Amen.. The Message promotes the mystical New Age message with a boldness never seen in a mainstream Bible. Thank you! Do what's best Daily Christian Prayers reference. 4) Good News Translation (GNT) - Also known as the Good News Bible (GNB), the GNT was created by the American Bible Society as a translation that would be simple enough for anyone to easily pick up and understand, including individuals learning the English language and children. We were living in sin, and letting the world dictate how we should live our lives. 3 He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake. Problems With Peterson's Philosophical Approach. Or even that the sacrificed child is evil. Also Amen means something different in every denomination. One academic I read said it this way, Peterson has confused the mission of a Bible translator with the mission of the Holy Spirit., Absolutely my spirit not going well with it n yes. 1Cor. That's because by itself, the Bible is not a history book. This is not new; it's normal. Other translations have just one translator, thereby single-handedly taking on a role that is meant for a diverse team of renowned biblical translators of various denominations. Schedule III: Drugs with low to moderate potential for abuse and/or . Only the Bible is authoritative and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, as made clear in 2 Timothy 3:16. So, if the Bible is the Word of God, and God is perfect, it follows that the Bible must be perfect, too. In this article, we will discuss why it may be dangerous for ones understanding of the Christian faith and message. 3) The Message encourages laziness in Biblical interpretation, since it reads like a novel it does not force the reader to slow down and think things through and is a completely inappropriate book to use in the study of the scriptures. North Korea - In this totalitarian state, the only thing that North Koreans are permitted to worship is the nation's leader, Kim Jong-un. I am thankful that Gods grace is sufficient enough for you, me and Eugene Peterson because God is the only one that knows the heart. You cannot say that just because divination is used in human sacrifice, it is evil. Why is the belief of atheism so dangerous for the atheist? 'Our Father in heaven, These drugs can be obtained through prescription. You are really understanding mans word, not Gods by using this commentary/paraphrase. This has been a concern for my friend Ken Berding, who has been doing detailed work in the Greek New Testament and several English translations. English Standard Version (ESV): Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Worship, then, refers to something very big and. "The Message offers vibrant language that awakens my heart to the wonders of God's Word again and again. Here's what to do if your recipients are seeing "This Message Seems Dangerous" in emails you send: 1. Youre in charge! We are in a dark time. Matthew 6:9 New American Standard Bible : 1995 Update 9 "Pray, then, in this way: 'Our Father who is in heaven, Hallowed be Your name. I remember complaining that if the church hall was hired for a function, as it often was, a member of the local community could come in, pick up the copy of The Message from the bookshelf and read a false gospel in it. Smoking cigarettes is a sin. Firstly, ALL Bibles such as NKJV, NIV etc are paraphrasing. However, as a very free paraphrase, it is sometimes powerful and brilliant while at other times it is seriously off target. 1. Doing so would be like saying that the fire used in the sacrifice is also evil. 1. Their hunger outweighed concrete religion. Your trusty shepherds crook makes me feel secure. While some good pastors may use it by mistake, many wolves love its language and use it to manipulate the flocks. If they dont know how to control their own families, how can they look after Gods people? Related articles What Must Someone Believe in Order to Be Saved? Thats my journey at the moment and I am trusting My Lord to guide me, not man! Contemporary English Version (CEV): It is true that anyone who desires to be a church official wants to be something worthwhile. The following translations listed below should be avoided altogether, as utilizing them can lead to grave theological errors, the teaching of a radically different gospel, and a counterfeit Jesus. It wasnt too long ago that we were stuck in this stagnant life of sin, but thankfully, God has given us a new life through Jesus Christ. If the Bible is the truth, then ignoring it is ignoring the truth. Instead of using any of these misleading translations, we would do much better to quote the Word of God faithfully, which is perfect and God-breathed, instead of rewording Gods message to include our biases and personal opinions and beliefs. About ten people in total complained about me that week.
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