Sweetheart, you should be happy for the both of us. It's actually an utterly entertaining and hilarious joy ride. Rogue wave! It was a madhouse, a greed fest, with equal parts cocaine, testosterone, and body fluids. Sea Otter, who sold meat and weed. * And I had skipped the tingle phase and jumped straight to the drool phase. picks her up. Jordan Belfort: Donnie Azoff: That is fucked up! Sides? Shit about you and your cousin or something like that. They were usually struggling young models or exceptionally beautiful college girls in desperate need of tuition or designer clothing, and for a few thousand dollars they would do almost anything imaginable, either to you or to each other. Actually, the madness started on our very first day, when one of our brokers, Ben Jenner, christened the elevator by getting a blow job from the sales assistant. And by the way, John, our analysts indicate it could go a heck of a lot higher than that. I Ain't Going Anywhere! Jordan Belfort: Jordan Belfort: I'll do four grand. You were, like, screaming at people. Because at least as a rich man, when I have to face my problems, I show up in the back of a limo, wearing a $2,000 suit and a $40,000 gold fucking watch! Jordan Belfort, See those little black boxes? When you get really good at it, youll fucking be stroking and youll be thinking about money. Mark Hanna, Her father is the brother of my mom. Jordan Belfort: Despite focusing on multimillionaire stockbroker Jordan Belfort (Leonardo DiCaprio . The movie depicts Jordan Belforts reckless adventures from his rise to a wealthy stockbroker to his seduction and free-fall into corruption, drug abuse, excess and ultimately imprisonment. Plot - Jordan Belfort earns by day thousands of dollars per minute, money that he squanders by night at the same velocity in drugs, sex and travels around the world. I mean, when she married me she knew what she was getting into, didnt she? Jordan Belfort: Jordan Belfort: Together with his trusted lieutenant (Jonah Hill) and a merry band of brokers, Belfort makes a huge fortune by defrauding wealthy investors out of millions. A Long Island mansion featured in Martin Scorsese's 2013 film "Wolf of Wall Street" is listed for $10 million. So It's Wolf of Wall Street, But for Learning How to Pick Up Girls Stevie Emerson 1.22M subscribers 1.6M views 2 years ago WATCH BLOOPERS FOR EVERY VIDEO. Once in the morning after I work out, once after lunch. Fuck you! Jordan Belfort: Hey, pal. Yeah, my wife yeah, my wife is my cousin or whatever. It got so bad, I had to declare the office a fuck-free zone between the hours of 9 and 7. Mark Hanna : So if you've got a client who bought stock at 8 and now it's at 16 and he's all fucking happy, he wants to cash in and liquidate, take his fucking money and run home, you . Guys with sales experience. Naomi Lapaglia: Captain Ted Beecham: Come on. Brad: it should simply be a lesson learned about the world of the stock broker because it's not possible to empathise with his character as everything he does it so vile. Yeah. The Wolf of Wall Street is a memoir by a former stockbroker and trader Jordan Belfort, first published in September 2007. [Donnie haphazardly gets out from car] The easiest way to make money is - create something of such value that . Does daddy get a kiss from both of his little girls, huh? Oh no. I got a blinkling light because I don't have shit from you. Jordan Belfort: With their beautiful wife by their side, whos got big voluptuous tits. They're bald - they're bald from the eyebrows down. I told you, you're not taking my fucking kids. Jordan Belfort: Jordan Belfort: Turn around! Don't you dare throw that fucking water on me! Yes, I think it's true. Jordan Belfort: Mark Hanna: Pick up the phone and start dialing! You're not fucking taking my fucking kids! Cause I can't keep track of your professions honey! Naomi Lapaglia: I mean, you're a duchess right, the Duchess of Bay Ridge. Yet Jordan Belfort: We don't give two shits about how technology works, 'cause all we care about is getting fucking RICH! You're not fucking taking my children you vicious fucking cunt, you! Jordan Belfort: Jordan Belfort: Naomi Lapaglia: Chester Ming: When it gets here, I'll give you a call and you'll come pick it up. Naomi Lapaglia: What the fuck is going on out here? You're gonna give me a pass? It doesn't even Donnie Azoff: And Robbie, who sold anything he can get his hands on, mostly weed. She designs women's panties too? Don't worry about it, I got it. I'm talking about this. Like, "Run free!" There were certain things that you just didnt joke about; it was simply bad luck. vials of coke. Jordan Belfort: On my Dad's side. [sigh of relief] Failure is your friend., Without action, the best intentions in the world are nothing more than that: intentions., I want you to back yourself into a corner. There is no nobility in poverty. Let me tell you something. Jordan Belfort: In fact, she's decided to throw them all away. You're doing fucking drugs right now? Mark Hanna: The only thing standing between you and your goal is the bullshit story you keep telling yourself as to why you can't achieve it. [also in thoughts] Let us know whats wrong with this preview of, Act as if! A former model and Miller Lite girl. Luckily we're in first class. Once in the morning, right after I work out, then once right after lunch. The Quaalude, or lude, as it is commonly referred to, was first synthesized in 1951 by an Indian doctor - that's dots, not feathers - as a sedative, and was prescribed to stressed-out housewives with sleep disorders. The Wolf of Wall Street streaming: where to watch online? Share the best GIFs now >>> Jordan Belfort: Once we sucker them in, we unload the dog shit. Jordan Belfort: He didn't mean any of it. I'm constantly weighing everything in my mind and trying to predict how my actions will influence events. Watch. Jordan Belfort: Mark Hanna: Oh come on, baby. What I'm asking, you Swiss dick, is are you going to fuck me over? The captain tied you up, he almost fuckin' tasered you! Because if I do decide to cooperate I might only looking at four short years. Supply and demand, my friend. You show me a pay stub for $72,000, I quit my job right now and work for you. 3 2 1, let's fuck! This is not a tip, this is a prescription. Just hold on tight. Jordan Belfort: I'm a former member of the middle class raised by two accountants in a tiny apartment in Bayside, Queens. Jordan Belfort: It's not fucking real. His eyes seem to be a little bit odd, don't they? In 1987, Jordan Belfort (Leonardo DiCaprio) takes an entry-level job at a Wall Street brokerage firm. Theyre gonna need to send in the national guard or fucking swat team, cause I aint going nowhere! Jordan Belfort, I am not gonna die sober! I started this website because I wanted to help people like you to maximize their potential and achieve their dreams. Mark Hanna: I'm gonna have Heidi lick some caviar off my balls in the meantime. Trust me, okay? 15 Outrageous Scenes In Martin Scorsese's 'Wolf Of Wall Street' We Can't Wait To See. Oh, hey. I would, you know, drive it up to the country and just like, you know, open the door and let it say "You're free now!" Naomi Lapaglia: Jordan Belfort: Did you just try to kiss me, bro? I got five more just like you, bro. You people are all shit out of luck. Donnie Azoff: [Pretends to walk away, but suddenly turns back]. [offers pen to Chester] [Dangles the fish from the bowl by its tail and swallows it]. Stratton Broker in a Bowtie: Leave your emotions at the door. Jordan Belfort, The only thing standing between you and your goal is the bullshit story you keep telling yourself as to why you cant achieve it. Jordan Belfort, 97% of the people who quit too soon are employed by the 3% who didnt. Jordan Belfort, Hard work beats talent. You had a minute? Mark Hanna: You know those guys who got like the beard with, like, no mustache or some bullshit? And you know something else, daddy? The wolf of Wall Street they call me! He's got a gun, you fucking idiot! Yeah I'm sure. I couldn't believe how these guys talked to each other! Perfect Hildy Azoff: Naomi Lapaglia: And when it gets in, I'll give you a call and you come pick it up. Without you, they're just worthless hunks of plastic. Oh my God! Oh, I'm good with water for now. He actually went to law school. It's a whazy. Mayday! [narration] Look, I know you're not following what I'm saying anyway, right? So I used the cousin thing, as like, an in with her. Good! This Martin Scorsese hit film stars Leonardo Dicaprio, Jonah Hill and Margot Robbie in lead roles. It's a joke! What do you mean happy for me? I fucked up so bad. He's a Boy Scout! Jesus Christ, I think you have a fuckin' drug problem. a depend on what exactly? Welcome back. An I.P.O. Whether America plans to invade Switzerland in the upcoming months. My killers, my killers who will not take no for an answer. Eventually Ben married her, which was pretty amazing, considering she blew every single guy in the office. In fact, you never did anything wrong in the first place. Something about laundering drug money through offshore boat racing and a guy named Rocky Aoki, you know the founder of Benihanna. Get away from the window! So I used the cousin thing, as like, an in with her. Don't fucking dare throw that fucking water at me. I don't drink anymore. Absolutely not but we were making more money then we knew what to do with. Jordan Belfort, There is no such thing as bad publicity. I'm gonna take custody of the kids. The jet skis just went overboard! I love you so much. Jordan Belfort: Are you behind on your credit card bills? It was the sort of silence shared by two people who're comfortable enough not to force a conversation ahead of its logical progression. That was you! We are here to make money! You're a fucking pill dealer. All the sudden I - one week - nobody had anything down there any more. There's no nobility in poverty. Dwayne: Brad: Except for that one time. Jordan Belfort: When you do something, you might fail. Jordan Belfort: Fuck you, U.S.A. Fuck you, U.S.A. Fuck you! It took 90 minutes for these fuckers to kick in but once they did, *pow. All very acidic above-the-shoulders mustard shit. Pick up the phone and start dialing! I'm also Dutch, German, English. Donnie and I were going out on our own. Sell me that pen. Its not on the elemental chart. Everyone wants to get rich. Once in the morning, right after I work out. Oh, you're investing in Italy? It's not like Look. It recounts Belfort's perspective on his career as a stockbroker in New York City and how his firm, Stratton Oakmont, engaged in rampant . Wake up, you piece of shit! But no touching. They usually cost a hundred dollars or less, and if you didnt wear a condom, youd get a penicillin shot the next day and then pray that your dick didnt fall off. There was this one time I was selling pot to this Amish dude. Out of respect. I did a lot of bad shit. I didn't even want to bring it up. Turns out all the FBI really wants from me is to cooperate. Look! I love it. Whats inspirational about Belforts story is actually how he was able to recover from his fall from grace. Privacy Policy That's right, I forgot. The movie, starring Leonardo DiCaprio as Jordan Belfort was, in my opinion, a masterpiece by director Martin Scorsese. I'm pretty fucking sure. That's not why I do it. [timid] Exactly. What is that supposed to mean, you want a divorce? Controlling the sale by keeping it on the straight line (every time the customer tries to take the . GODDAMN IT! Jordan Belfort: People have been buzzing about Martin Scorsese's new movie, "The Wolf of . [hears a phone] [Naomi walks in on a gay orgy] I mean like, you married your cousin or some stupid shit. Donnie Azoff: S-so if I, if I sell a stock at $10,000, my commission is 5,000 bucks. Captain Ted Beecham: Babe, I spoke to the lawyers again today. Naomi and I got along. I don't even listen to it. One day, you will do it right. And the problem with that is that your brain is like a computer: If you ask a question, it's programmed to respond, whether there's an answer or not. And you're still acting like an infant! Naomi Lapaglia: See. Those are rookie numbers in this racket. Next came the NASDAQs, who were one step down from the Blue Chips. Nicky Koskoff: This is Brad, and Brad is the guy I really wanted. [on getting arrested] It's not on the elemental chart. Your email address will not be published. You could pay off your mortgage. Jesus Christ. Technically, you do work for me. Donnie Azoff, Ill tell you what: Im never eating at Benihana again. Jordan Belfort: A real wolf pit, which is exactly how I liked it. No. You're a sick man! It'll keep you sharp between the ears. I want you to come for me like it's the last fucking time. Jordan Belfort: I haven't eaten all day. They dont give a shit about money. Brad, show them how it's done. Act as if youre a wealthy man, rich already, and then youll surely become rich. Oh, my God. Am I crazy? They were priced between three and five hundred dollars and made you wear a condom unless you gave them a hefty tip, which I always did. Bulls. Jordan Belfort: Jordan Belfort: What, you wanna go inside and blow some lines of baking powder, baking soda? How are you doing today? Companies these people know. We want to hear what you have to say but need to verify your email. Let me know in the comments and please share this post to help and inspire others. Wow. Mark Hanna: Is he fucking crazy? Want me to come for you? Good, pick up the phone and start dialing! What a greek tragedy! Yeah, yeah I jerk off. They won't be able to see your review if you only submit your rating. Jordan Belfort, the former stock broker whose story inspired the hit movie The Wolf of Wall Street, is suing the filmmakers for $300m (229m). I got you. the self narration, similar to goodfellas and moments where leo talks directly to the camera and you, the audience, are key. OK. What? I want to. Is he is he wearing a bowtie? Jordan Belfort: Bears. Do you jerk off? Who is she? Listen to me, if you piss up the SEC's leg, you end up with your tits in a wringer. What kind of person are you? I'm not ashamed to admit it. When you do something, you might fail. Max Belfort: Uh, what the fuck! Then look no further. You mailed in my company a postcard a few weeks back, requesting information on penny stocks that had huge upside potential with very little downside risk. Nicholas the Butler: In 2013 it was adapted into a movie by the same name. Copyright Fandango. I can't close this briefcase. Robbie Feinberg ('Pinhead'): Required fields are marked *. Everybody on point! Like the whole Donnie Azoff: She's a classy lady. There is no such thing as bad publicity. Jordan Belfort: Donnie, this isn't this isn't funny, you gotta untie me, buddy. Is she like a first cousin, or is she Donnie Azoff: Please reference Error Code 2121 when contacting customer service. Just below that it reads "Ticket Confirmation#:" followed by a 10-digit number. But, But what was wrong with that? Naomi Lapaglia: Go to a trading floor on Wall street. We wont be able to verify your ticket today, but its great to know for the future. How do you say rathole in British? But who the fuck wanted to live there? Jordan Belfort, Let me tell you something. I don't understand. Yeah, there's something a little bit different about his eyes. And particularly troublesome. Where's my kiss? You be telephone fucking terrorists! Terms and Policies the success of scorsese's wolf of wall street is that it's enjoyable to watch and it shouldnt be. I mean, what if something like that happened? Naomi Lapaglia: Jordan Belfort: But it wasn't a poisonous silence. The book, motherfucker, the book! He thinks you're fuckin' Gordon Gekko. Captain Ted Beecham: Is that right? Where were they doing it, sweetheart? Naomi Lapaglia: WHY? There could be. In point of fact, The Wolf of Wall Street: WOLF OF WALL STREET:Wolf of wallstreet: Wolf of wall st {wolf of wall street}:by Jordan Belfort.
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