A military tribunal on Thursday morning convened at Guantanamo Bay to decide whether Hillary Rodham Clinton will be exonerated of charges including treason, conspiring with the enemy, destruction of government property, money laundering and conspiracy to commit murder, or if she will ultimately stand before a gallows or . The Crime. Seeing with our eyes, right now, is all we have. Permission to use this article in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked to its source at American Media Group. Show more. Hoe is de beleving van een kleurbewaarder = autist. Why are we taking orders from people whos salaries we pay?! Jessie Czebotar of Illuminate The Darkness presents actual military tribunal cases numbers to prove that the trials are taking place. When the chemtrails stop or the child trafficking or any evil thing they do ad infinitum like passing laws as we speak that make it illegal for kids to identify as boys and girls I might believe. America Out Loud is the premier news network with a diverse array of talk shows that inform and inspire. Breaking the structure to collapse the entire matrix. The internal emails show peoples beloved hosts all in on the scam. Follow 6.81K. Well, those who are not executed via military tribunal at least. w/ Dr. Henry Ealy, 4 pm ETThe Voice of Dr. YanWhere is the Separation of Powers in Americas System of Public Health w/ Dr. Li-Meng Yan, 5 pm ETUnity Without CompromiseDeath Becomes America as We Continue Negligent Inaction w/ Dr. Steven LaTulippe. Satanists LOL The state of Texas, with approval from the U.S. Supreme Court, instituted the most draconian set of anti-abortion laws in the last 50 years this Tuesday. Trump and White hats are letting the pyramid implode from the inside out. by Tom Harris | Mar 2, 2023 | Environment, Global, Politics, People have had it with woke, authoritarian politicians who force idiotic and destructive policies upon us. -. Stephane Bancel is not an enemy combatant by any military or . https://www.mc.mil/CASES/CourtCalendar.aspx. As we progress into the second half of 2021, the Office of Military Commissions are heating up, the word on the street is that Tribunals are starting up after being postponed and Camp Delta/GTMO, was running at minimal capacity due to the narrative of COVID since March 2020; and months ago, there was talk of Tribunals to begin in July 2021, but . So just exactly what is the agenda An extraordinary conversation with heroic Chinese physician Li-Meng Yan MD and Peter and Ginger Breggin that literally soars from the beginning with Dr. Yans sharing of her spiritual development since escaping from China and coming to the U.S. We then explore the President Biden is not only compromised but exemplifies the ultimate Manchurian President. , Your email address will not be published. The DOE and FBI now acknowledge what was once claimed to be, a conspiracy theory, that Covid originated in a, by George McClellan | Mar 1, 2023 | Global, Politics, So, why is everything in disarray? Obviously, there will soon be many more prisoners in Gitmo and since the National Guard was sent in, these will most likely be high-profile prisoners. "The big story to come out of this era, won't be elections and pandemics, it will bewhere was the mainstream media in America? Wallace Garneau, I am telling my story in a blog, eventually to cull from the blog material to write a book. The facts implicated included thousands of sealed indictments enforced by U.S. Special Forces, and soon the disclosures of classified technologies which are related to the secret space programs, suppressed technologies, Antarctic bases hidden under the ice sheets, and life outside of what we know here on earth. Michelle chose lethal injection. WASHINGTON D.C IS FOREIGN SOIL (SAME AS GUANTANAMO BAY and other MILITARY DISTRICTS), TRIBUNALS & EXECUTIONS ARE INDRPENDEND FROM THE U.S CONSTITUTION. I will organize this massive puzzle into neat categories so that we can trace the threads of this story all the way through to the Victory of the Light! Some global and political elites named in the indictments would be tried in federal courts, some faced Military Tribunals at GITMO, while others would go before international courts. by Truth For Health Team | Mar 1, 2023 | Environment, Health, Politics, Whistleblower Report with DrLee4America The people of East Palestine, Ohio, and surrounding states affected by the massive toxic plume dispersing these chemicals over the US have had no guidance from EPA, FEMA, or Ohio public health officials. Join us for an exceptional journey! Fact #5 : Only Enemy Combatants Are Detained At Gitmo. My Journey to Jesus Abdul Rabbani . This means they are all globalist assholes and this has nothing to do with health and everything to do with control. So I am to believe the people on these lists are clones and is why we still see them on TV/Internet? The most significant overarching issue here relates to if and how each of these intrigues connect back or forward to Now that the pandemic is winding down and we have lost yet another chance to think outside of the big pharma box to solve our healthcare problems, let us have a frank discussion about the power of simple, yet very effective hygiene. As a mother and Grandmother myself , I cant comprehend the loss of a child. You know what else Juan O Savin predicted? I also see him as a traitor to our nation plain and simple. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Tammy Clark & Kristen Meghan Kelly, both expert industrial hygienists, join us at the top of the program - they are calling "Catch me if you can." There are currently only 41 prisoners there. If you agree with the evidence, then you can believe it. If people learned about all of this all at once, it would be very upsetting to them.. The charges, which carry the death penalty, include conspiracy, murder in violation of the law of . If I told you that the experimental shots have injured at least 1.3 million people, killed at least another 29,000, killed almost 8,000 people within 2 days of getting the shot, and are in such low demand that 82.2 Million vials have been discarded as of mid-May according to research performed by the Childrens Health Defensewould you consider them safe? As benign or poison? For me, balancing is critical for keeping sane! some global and political elites named in the indictments would be tried in federal courts, some faced military tribunals at gitmo, while others would go before international courts. Clarence Thomas' wife told Mark Meadows that 'the Biden crime family' and 'ballot fraud co-conspirators' would be 'living in barges off GITMO to face military tribunals for sedition,' texts show . President Trump has ordered the notorious Guantanamo Bay detention camp in Cuba to prepare for "high-level" American prisoners, according to a new Military of Defense report. H5N1 Human Bird Flu Explained By Dr. John Campbell Following Cambodia Case ~ March 4, 2023, POPE FRANCIS VISITS AFRICA ~ March 4, 2023, RT News March 3 2023 (20:00 MSK) ~ March 4, 2023, Separating Fact From Fiction on Fox News/Dominion Lawsuit. Trump is doing good stuff, yet still funds the vaccine plans put into play by Soros? You just mentioned Guantanamo Bay. Pentagon sources described these hearings as " Nuremberg 2.0 " and said the U.S. Department of Defense is installing cameras at various bases to broadcast the ongoing military tribunals. 33 = Age of Jesus When He Died 33 Degree FreeMason He: Odd question, but youd likely be charged with criminal negligence, perhaps with intent to kill and of course child abuse. Suggestion: Unplug your TV immediately and seek out your nearest conspiracy theorist. I heard that there have been over 6,500 documented flights into GITMO this year. We have no control over the nature, content, or availability of those sites. If you think about your past you will be depressed, if you worry about the future you will be anxious, live in the present moment, give your worries to God and enjoy. 2023 - amg-news.com. by Kimberly Overton, BSN, RN | Mar 2, 2023 | Health, Politics, Nurses Out Loud with Kimberly Overton, BSN, RN They are serious violations of international law, and those who commit them must be held accountable. January 6, 2022. The Bushs,Chaney,The Clintons and Obama all face Treason,Sedition and Execution by The State. 748 transferred. What in the World is on Cynthia's mind? Military tribunals in the United States are military courts designed to judicially try members of enemy forces during wartime, operating outside the scope of conventional criminal and civil proceedings. by Rich Kozlovich | Mar 3, 2023 | Politics, As these tapes become public, this will become Americas JAccuse!, And as the new committee dealing with this exposes the lies, corruption, and what I can only call outright treason over this January 6 affair, this is a far bigger disgrace than what the French government did to Dreyfus because this is far bigger and more far-reaching to the destruction of the rule of law. Will we witness the return of President Donald J. Trump, and see all that was brewing behind the scenes of the Military Tribunals, along with all the knowledge regarding disclosures? Share. Conscious Thought: Driven by Intelligent Awareness, Declaration of Sovereignty Nov. 29,2022, Charlie Ward: Boots on the Ground Exclusive Richard Potcner Talks White House Military Tribunal (Video), Restored Republic via a GCR as of March 3, 2023, SIMON PARKES: SITUATION UPDATE WITH DAVID MAHONEY ~ March 3, 2023, Restored Republic via a GCR as of March 4, 2023, New SG Anon 42 - Brexit Reversal Coming - Russia-China Coalition v. NATO - NA and CA Biolabs Being Destroyed - WWG1WGA ~ March 3, 2023, NESARA/GESARA REVEALED: NESARA IMPLEMENTS THE FOLLOWING CHANGES ~ March 4, 2023, A Reminder of The Event it is Biblical ~ March 2, 2023, New Clif High: We All Knew, We Just Didn't Think To Tell You - March 2023 ~ posted March 3, 2023, National day of disruption | Israeli anti-govt protesters block roads ~ March 4, 2023, As Ukraine Burns The US Targets Taiwan Next ~ March 4, 2023, The Next Pandemic! May 26, 2003 12:00 AM EST. Learn how your comment data is processed. Permission to use this article in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked to its source at American Media Group. This has been drafted as only a test. Posted on February 28, 2023 by Constitutional Nobody. YES, the smug, two-faced, greedy, and power-hungry "Dr. Death Fauci" will soon join his sidekick at GITMO! Medeea Greere and the American Media Group do not make any claims as to the validity of the information expressed in the opinion section, however we do encourage the reader to do further research on their own and we hope that you will share your findings with us. REAL RAW NEWS: A disruptive Hillary Clinton was placed in lockdown at GITMO following a series of incidents in which the former Secretary of State spat on guards, defecated on the floor of her cell, assaulted U.S. military personnel, and, in her witch's cackle, hurled obscenities indefatigably at staff and fellow inmates, said a source familiar with Clinton's arrest and incarceration at . I would love to believe it but I can find no real evidence to prove any of it it by my own standards. Learn how your comment data is processed. Support AMG News by buying one of our products! Helping others access and implement new creative skills. This new 450K is absurd, but they are so out of hand they are really going to give money to criminals, (because they came here illegally). Attorney Bobbie Anne Cox joins Dr. Harvey Risch. A partial list of those believed named in over 71,000 federal indictments: Senator John McCain - believed tried, confessed, convicted, executed . Will September also be postponed? Unprecedented Warfare! However, America Out Loud takes no responsibility for, nor are we, and will not be liable for being temporarily unavailable due to technical difficulties beyond our control. Leave your feedback. PLUS: 50th Episode Reflections on Rumble & Our Show | SYSTEM UPDATE #50 ~ March 4, 2023, Situation Update 3.3.23 ~ Deep State END WAR ~ March 4, 2023, Milley Is a Blackmailed, Globalist POS ~ March 4, 2023, New Scott McKay, Micheal Jaco & Nino Rodriguez Round Table March 2023 Its Your Constitutional Right to Form and Belong to a Militia ~ March 4, 2023, Deepin Moments: 30 Cities Protest at the Same Time, France Erupts against the US ~ March 4, 2023, Matt Gaetz: Abolish the FBI, CDC, DOJ if they do not come to heel for We the People ~ March 4, 2023, Dr. Kia Pruitt: Dinar Stabilizes, Congress Attacks Fed CBDCs, States Go to Gold, Banks in Trouble ~ March 4, 2023, New Development Seeds of Wisdom RV/GCR Update(s) from Goldilocks 3-1-23 ~ March 4, 2023, The Full Worm Moon in Virgo Wants You to Get Ahead of the Curve, So Embrace Productivity March 4, 2023, (NEW) JUAN O SAVIN THE ANTICHRIST DECEPTION IN AMERICA March 4, 2023, March 3, 2023: Storms Not Only for Seas and Skies, The New Earth Blog ~ Creating Our New Life in the Age of Compassion, THE MIND OF RD REVILO, The Blog (& Podcasts) 4 THE BROTHERS, THE BROTHERHOOD THE RESURRECTION OF OUR MANHOOD, Senator John McCain believed tried, confessed, convicted, executed, Former US President George Bush Jr. believed tried, confessed, convicted, executed, Former First Lady and Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Former National Intelligence Director Robert Clapper, Assistant FBI Counterintelligence Director Edward Bill Priestap, California Democratic Congresswoman Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, California Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein, California Democratic Congresswoman Maxine Watters, California Democratic Congressman Adam Schiff, Former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, Former US Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates, Former Clinton Campaign Director John Podesta, FBI agent and Strzoks mistress Lisa Page, MICHELLE OBAMA (BIG MIKE) ARRESTED & EXECUTED, ANTHONY FAUCI ARRESTED & RELEASED FOR A TIME TO HELP TRUMP, DEBBIE WASSERMAN-SHULTZ ARRESTED & AT GITMO, JACINDA ADERN ARRESTED & UNDER HOUSE ARREST, ELLEN DEGENEROUS ARRESTED & ON HOUSE ARREST, JEFFREY EPSTEIN ARRESTED & SERVING LIFE IN PRISON, ALL CARDINALS AT VATICAN ARRESTED & EXECUTED, JUSTIN TRUDEAU ARRESTED & ON HOUSE ARREST, SCOTT MORRISON ARRESTED & ON HOUSE ARREST, ROY HORN OF SIGFREID & ROY ARRESTED & EXECUTED, FRED THE GODSON (RAPPER) ARRESTED & EXECUTED, JOEL ROGOSIN (WRITER) ARRESTED & EXECUTED, MATTHEW SELIGMAN (MUSICIAN) ARRESTED & EXECUTED, HAL WILNER (PRODUCER) ARRESTED & EXECUTED, Dwayne Johnson (the rock) ARRESTED & EXECUTED, Kyriakos Mitsotakis PM GREECE ARRESTED WAITING TRIBUNAL, Panagiotis Pikrammenos DEPUTY PM ARRESTED WAITING TRIBUNAL, Elizabeth Warren ARRESTED WAITING TRIBUNAL, Nydia Velzquez ARRESTED WAITING TRIBUNAL, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez ARRESTED WAITING TRIBUNAL, King Harald V OF NORWAY ARRESTED & EXECUTED, Queen Sonja OF NORWAY ARRESTED & EXECUTED, Erna Solberg PM OF NORWAY ARRESTED & IN PRISON, Stefan Lfven PM OF SWEDEN ARRESTED & EXECUTED, Carl XVI Gustaf KING OF SWEDEN ARRESTED & EXECUTED, Silvia Renate Sommerlath GUSTAF QUEEN OF SWEDEN ARRESTED & EXECUTED, ANGELA MERKEL CHANCLOR OF GERMANY ARRESTED & EXECUTED, Frank-Walter Steinmeier PRESIDENT OF GERMANY ARRESTED & EXECUTED, Sauli Niinist PRES. Trumps Devolution: The Most Astonishing Military Operation of All -Time! Michael Baxter. The Pentagon announced that two Pakistani brothers linked to al-Qaeda 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed have been sprung from the military prison at a U.S. Navy base in Cuba. So I am to believe these white hats have been given authority to ignore the U.S. Constitution and all legal procedures so that they may try and convict U.S. citizens arrested for treason? Nothing else is mentioned. Two Pakistani brothers held by the United States at Guantanamo Bay military prison for two decades were freed by U.S. officials and returned home on Friday, officials said. The Department of Defense is constructing a new courtroom for war crimes trials at Guantnamo Bay which will not allow the public inside the chamber, The New York Times reports. Michael Baxter from REAL RAW NEWS. Open your mind/heartAre you able see Love? Email Print 1.9K+ Shares. C-VINE GTMO WATCH ADVISORY. Come on now. We believe that this is for optics. A military tribunal at Guantanamo Bay has convicted Microsoft Founder Bill Gates on charges including child trafficking, pedophilia, conspiracy, money laundering, murder, and public health endangerment--the conclusion of five days of heated testimony that repeatedly saw Vice Adm. John G. Hannink of the U.S. Navy Judge Advocate General's Corps square off against attorney David Baluarte. Feel free to research deep fakes, robotics, body doubles, and cloning and decide for yourself. Things are heating up for the Office of Military Commissions. United We Are Strong! Without PROOF..what makes any of this different from RELIGION. Operation Mockingbird Media CIA = Clowns In America Who owns the CIA? Archer: Pelosi Arrested, Military Tribunals Open, Sweeping Arrests This Week-End? At no time, nor in any event, will we be liable for any loss, or damage, including without limitation, indirect or consequential loss of data or profits arising out of, in an association of, or connection with the use of this website. This is very important with the Omicron variant, which multiplies 70 times faster than the prior strains of the virus. . by Rich Kozlovich | Feb 28, 2023 | Global, Politics. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. November 15, 2022 US and EU all rights reserved. Patients have the absolute right to reject medical treatment and seek a discharge, even if, There are no studies demonstrating the clinical benefit of COVID-19 vaccination in COVID-19 survivors, and there are three studies demonstrating harm in such individuals. Your child would be taken away from you. America is on stage and the spotlight is on the Audit of the 2020 Presidential elections that were hijacked from the American people. For more information go to: Thousands of Freedom Loving Patriots March Toward the Embassy of Cuba in Washington, DC to Stand Against Tyranny, COMMENTARY ~ Were Circling the Drain Faster: 18 Republicans Side With Democrats as Senate Breaks Filibuster to Start Debate on Infrastructure Bill , http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml. Such crimes include genocide. Things looked hopeful until just recently, this latest Delta Variant of COVID broke out and a couple of workers on GITMO became infected. Quantum, Expansion, Exporation, All That Is, The Art of BEing Hue-man, New Earth. For high-risk patients, it takes about 4-6 drugs for 5, 10, or even 30 courses, depending on age, medical problems, and severity of illness. How about the COVID hoax? Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article may not represent the official views of Medeea Greere or the American Media Group. U.S. MILITARY ARRESTS GATES FOUNDATION MEMBERS FOR TREASON/Bilderbergers Who Controlled COVID Pandemic Response - Top Banker Says UK to Introduce "Super App" Combining Digital Id and Financial Data - Federal Reserve Cartel: Eight Families Own USA, IMF, World Bank - Vaccines and NWO . We love the USA Republic Freedoms and always have. The MoD report has been confirmed by General Staff Deputy Defense Minister Tatiana Shevtsova after a copy was obtained by the Kremlin. Wow! GITMO TRIBUNALS & QUIET ARRESTS INTEL UPDATE (NOV 01, 2022) - TRUMP NEWS. You didnt think Epstein suicide went away did you? Transcript. Actor Kevin Spacey - moved to June 23, to be held at the U.S. military's holding facility in . I have been searching for truth in this world, all my life. So I am to believe that U.S. officials involved in alleged voter fraud in the last election are exempt from arrest/prosecution?