$ B1!EFs)60rp(|^PA@F 3:$ |#a "P5?i&&(0D [Ch-K {;WL+Ss]rf|~ Yann Wehrling, vice-prsident de la rgion le-de-France, charg de la Transition cologique, et Patrice Leclerc, maire de Gennevilliers et Prsident du groupe Front De Gauche la . It is a written document filled out at the work site after a thorough review of the work to be completed and the work area. 1926.956 - Hand and portable power equipment. 1926.155 - Definitions applicable to this subpart. 1926.13 - Interpretation of statutory terms. Grounding circuits shall have resistance low enough to permit sufficient current to flow to cause the fuse or circuit breaker to interrupt the current. Employees in the space shall wear supplied air respirators in accordance with 1910.134 and a standby on the outside shall maintain communication with employees inside the space and shall be equipped and prepared to provide emergency aid. When parallel sections of oxygen and fuel gas hose are taped together, not more than 4 inches out of 12 inches shall be covered by tape. 0000075649 00000 n Create this form in 5 minutes! [48 FR 30909, July 5, 1983; 62 FR 40141, July 25, 1997; 65 FR 40942, June 30, 2000], Occupational Safety & Health Administration. H\0vFBHdGa} NicCyri]]malq~6!{9Ui^vvr]||f=mq{w|6>MiL*Wo0?^t_2W4Mmc.>}Sd>W6fN. The certification must be made before entry and must be made available to each employee entering the space or to that employee's authorized representative. 1926.605 - Marine operations and equipment. 1926.104 - Safety belts, lifelines, and lanyards. 0000013465 00000 n This section applies to all hot work operations, except as provided in subsections (a) (1) and (a) (2). Oil and grease hazards. Oxygen and fuel gas hoses shall not be interchangeable. Hot work. Any employee who enters the space, or that employee's authorized representative, must be provided with an opportunity to observe the testing required by this paragraph (e)(2)(vi). 0000048630 00000 n Regulators and gauges. 0000036037 00000 n 1926.350 (a) (3) Cylinders shall be moved by tilting and rolling them on their bottom edges. 1926.914 - Definitions applicable to this subpart. 1926.1213 - Provision of documents to Secretary. 1926.962 - Grounding for the protection of employees. 0000052752 00000 n Fuel gas and oxygen manifolds shall bear the name of the substance they contain in letters at least 1-inch high which shall be either painted on the manifold or on a sign permanently attached to it. Exposed metal parts shall be insulated. Empty containers shall be removed to a safe area apart from hot work operations or open flames. 0000033273 00000 n @0 CP KkW@M | Rd~3wO`;Kvn5wse>Ed}< E]GN6p:K}qc[uvB_ks1WeO.){}4WKicZjz.,vK`nRQWxyKf!Krd^W`Og37wr6S5BMP_/JVp 0 Insert the date. 1926.22 - Recording and reporting of injuries. Cylinders, cylinder caps and valves, couplings, regulators, hose, and apparatus shall be kept free from oil or greasy substances and shall not be handled with oily hands or gloves. Structures or pipelines, other than those containing gases or flammable liquids or conduits containing electrical circuits, may be used in the ground return circuit if their current-carrying capacity equals or exceeds the total maximum output capacities of the welding or cutting units served. Open end fuel gas and oxygen hoses shall be immediately removed from enclosed spaces when they are disconnected from the torch or other gas-consuming device. Chemical storage guidelines, flammables. 0000065676 00000 n Valves shall not be cracked if gas could reach possible sources of ignition; Cylinder valves shall be opened slowly to prevent regulator damage and shall not be opened more than 1 turns. 1926.752 - Site layout, site-specific erection plan and construction sequence. Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Outreach Training Program (10- and 30-hour Cards), OSHA Training Institute Education Centers, Severe Storm and Flood Recovery Assistance, Inert-gas Metal-Arc Welding (Non-ferrous) 1/16- to 5/32-inch electrodes. This Safe Work Permits eBook will cover important details of the following federal regulations, including definitions, key requirements, and exemptions (if any) to ensure safety compliance in the workplace. Getting a hot work permit before performing hot work is just one of steps involved in a hot work . Torches with such defects shall not be used. It may act as a source of ignition (fire) in the area where flammable material is placed or handled. 0000018793 00000 n Continuous forced air ventilation must be used, as follows: An employee must not enter the space until the forced air ventilation has eliminated any hazardous atmosphere; The forced air ventilation must be so directed as to ventilate the immediate areas where an employee is or will be present within the space and must continue until all employees have left the space; The air supply for the forced air ventilation must be from a clean source and must not increase the hazards in the space. When work is finished, when cylinders are empty, or when cylinders are moved at any time, the cylinder valve shall be closed. Inert-gas metal-arc welding. Unless cylinders are firmly secured on a special carrier intended for this purpose, regulators shall be removed and valve protection caps put in place before cylinders are moved. No person other than the gas supplier shall attempt to mix gases in a cylinder. All cylinders used shall meet the Department of Transportation requirements published in 49 CFR part 178, subpart C, Specification for Cylinders. Arcs, sparks or heat at any point in the circuit shall cause rejection as a ground circuit. (2068.44 kPa) without leaking. Definition. Pressure regulators, including associated gauges, shall be maintained in safe working order. California State University - San Marcos (CSUSM) is dedicated to the protection of our The employer shall thoroughly instruct employees in the safe use of fuel gas, as follows: Before a regulator to a cylinder valve is connected, the valve shall be opened slightly and closed immediately. The employer shall ensure that when arc welders or cutters leave or stop work or when machines are moved, the power supply switch shall be kept in the off position. Use of fuel gas. When welding, cutting, or heating is performed on walls, floors, and ceilings, since direct penetration of sparks or heat transfer may introduce a fire hazard to an adjacent area, the same precautions shall be taken on the opposite side as are taken on the side on which the welding is being performed. 1926.1441 - Equipment with a rated hoisting/ lifting capacity of 2,000 pounds or less. Some of the rules apply to dangerous jobs like hot worksuch as welding and cuttingrequired for activities as diverse as bio-pharmacy, food production, nuclear power generation, and aviation. Surfaces covered with preservative coatings shall be stripped for at least 4 inches (10.16 cm) from the area of heat application or employees shall be protected by supplied air respirators in accordance with the requirements of 1910.134 of this chapter. 1926.1414 - Wire ropeselection and installation criteria. 1926.20 - General safety and health provisions. 0000009657 00000 n Sharing procedures. 1926 Subpart E - Personal Protective and Life Saving Equipment. Current Edition: 2019 Any employee who enters the space, or that employee's authorized representative, must be provided an opportunity to observe the pre-entry testing required by this paragraph. HOT WORK SAFETY GUIDE . Hose subjected to flashback or showing evidence of severe wear or damage shall be tested to twice the normal working pressure but not less than 200 p.s.i. Get access to thousands of forms. Ventilation and employee protection in welding, cutting and heating -. 1926.12 - Reorganization Plan No. Hose connections shall be clamped or securely fastened to withstand twice the normal working pressure but not less than 300 p.s.i. 1926.954 - Personal protective equipment. The valve of a fuel gas cylinder shall not be cracked where the gas would reach welding work, sparks, flame, or other possible sources of ignition. A space classified by an employer as a permit-required confined space may only be reclassified as a non-permit confined space when a competent person determines that all of the applicable requirements in paragraphs (g)(1) through (4) of this section have been met: If the permit space poses no actual or potential atmospheric hazards and if all hazards within the space are eliminated or isolated without entry into the space (unless the employer can demonstrate that doing so without entry is infeasible), the permit space may be reclassified as a non-permit confined space for as long as the non-atmospheric hazards remain eliminated or isolated; The entry employer must eliminate or isolate the hazards without entering the space, unless it can demonstrate that this is infeasible. When welders are exposed to their own arc or to each other's arc, filter lenses complying with the requirements of paragraph (h) of this section shall be worn to protect against flashes and radiant energy. 1926.1205 (c) 0000001616 00000 n 1926.432 - Environmental deterioration of equipment. 0000065715 00000 n Hot work means any activity in which flame, heat, or spark is generated. 1926.50 - Medical services and first aid. 1926.33 - Access to employee exposure and medical records. Areas can be protected with the use of welding pads, blankets, or curtains, clearing combustibles from a 35-ft (11-m) radius space around the hot work, or moving the hot work to an area free of combustibles. 1926 Subpart D - Occupational Health and Environmental Controls. The in-plant handling, storage, and utilization of all compressed gases in cylinders, portable tanks, rail tankcars, or motor vehicle cargo tanks shall be in accordance with Compressed Gas Association Pamphlet P-1-1965. In the event that fuel gas should leak from the cylinder valve, rather than from the valve stem, and the gas cannot be shut off, the cylinder shall be properly tagged and removed from the work area. An employer may use the alternate procedures specified in paragraph (e)(2) of this section for entering a permit space only under the conditions set forth in paragraph (e)(1) of this section. 1926.2 - Variances from safety and health standards. 1926.853 - Removal of materials through floor openings. 1926.1205 (b) Before entry begins, the entry supervisor identified on the permit must sign the entry permit to authorize entry. 0000003523 00000 n 1926.960 - Working on or near exposed energized parts. Oxygen shall not be directed at oily surfaces, greasy clothes, or within a fuel oil or other storage tank or vessel. Sharing policies. Lou, Paris 11eme, recherche des personnes motives et comptentes qui partagent notre enthousiasme pour la gastronomie, le vin et l'hospitalit pour devenir Chef de Parties dans notre quipe . Hot work in confined spaces. If the workplace contains one or more permit spaces, the employer who identifies, or who receives notice of, a permit space must: Inform, in a timely manner and in a manner other than posting, its employees' authorized representatives and the controlling contractor of the existence and location of, and the danger posed by, each permit space. 0000020449 00000 n Ground return cables shall have current-carrying capacity equal to or exceeding the total maximum output capacities of the welding or cutting units served. sb`aY When the hot work operation is such that normal fire prevention precautions are not sufficient, additional personnel shall be assigned to guard against fire during hot work and for a sufficient time after completion of the work to ensure that no fire hazard remains. 0000052089 00000 n 1926.200 - Accident prevention signs and tags. 0000007177 00000 n 1926.441 - Batteries and battery charging. Valve protection caps shall be in place and secured. A Hot Work Permit is required whenever any hot work activity is conducted outside of an area designated for hot work. 1926 Subpart R App A - Guidelines for establishing the components of a site-specific erection plan: Non-Mandatory Guidelines for Complying with 1926.752(e). Fuel gas shall be used only as follows: Before regulators are connected to cylinder valves, the valves shall be opened slightly (cracked) and closed immediately to clear away dust or dirt. Highlights Oregon OSHA's additional confined space requirements (effective Sept. 1, 2022); describes employers' role in evaluating welding operations in a confined or permit space that is potentially hazardous. Employees performing hot work in confined or enclosed spaces involving beryllium-containing base or filler metals shall be protected by local exhaust ventilation and wear supplied air respirators or self-contained breathing apparatus, in accordance with the requirements of 1910.134. Employees in areas not protected from the arc by screening shall be protected by appropriate filter lenses in accordance with paragraph (h) of this section. Electrodes shall not be struck against a cylinder to strike an arc. If the object to be welded or cut cannot readily be moved, all movable fire hazards in the vicinity shall be taken to a safe place. The entry permit that documents compliance with this section and authorizes entry to a permit space must identify: 1926.1206 (a) The permit space to be entered; 1926.1206 (b) The purpose of the entry; 1926.1206 (c) The date and the authorized duration of the entry permit; 1926.1206 (d) Cn|lv }9! Torch tip openings shall only be cleaned with devices designed for that purpose. %\9 If any employer decides that employees it directs will enter a permit space, that employer must have a written permit space program that complies with 1926.1204 implemented at the construction site. This republication developed a single set of OSHA regulations for both labor and management forces within the construction industry. 1926.700 - Scope, application, and definitions applicable to this subpart. Includes how employers must control respiratory hazards in the space; testing the internal atmosphere; and what to document for each entry. Hot electrode holders shall not be dipped in water. The review identifies the type and location of the work, personnel roles, and responsibilities, necessary precautions, and duration of the permit. Cylinders shall not be kept in unventilated enclosures such as lockers and cupboards. The Hot Work Permit is key to managing hot and preventing fires. A single hose having more than one gas passage shall not be used. If continuous monitoring is used, the employer must ensure that the monitoring equipment has an alarm that will notify all entrants if a specified atmospheric threshold is achieved, or that an employee will check the monitor with sufficient frequency to ensure that entrants have adequate time to escape. 1926.1203 (d) No one except the owner of the cylinder or person authorized by him, shall refill a cylinder. Arc welding or cutting equipment having a functional defect shall not be used. Inert-gas metal-arc welding on stainless steel shall not be performed unless exposed employees are protected either by local exhaust ventilation or by wearing supplied air respirators. 1926.452 - Additional requirements applicable to specific types of scaffolds. Such personnel shall be instructed as to the specific anticipated fire hazards and how the firefighting equipment provided is to be used.