After taking communion, Jesus and His followers walked to the Mount of Olives where Jesus prayed His famous prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane only hours before He was arrested and eventually died so that we could truly live. I felt like sharing with him. Your email address will not be published. Jamie, thank you so much for confirming our use of communion. Moreover, we can apply the Blood of Jesus by speaking and taking communion. Im trying to take communion every day, for the Lord has been whispering to me about a 40-day communion challenge. 11 from vers 23. Paul refers to the instruction of Jesus where he instituted the practice of communion to be observed from that time forward by his Church (from Matthew 26:26-28). Yes, it is. The eating of the bread and drinking of the wine that led to what we call communion is still a regular part of celebrating Passover that Jewish people observe. Following the example in Scripture, we eat the bread, followed by the cup. But dont forget, this is an incredible reason to celebrate. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. You can get it online for about 1.50. Your email address will not be published. I very much liked your after-Communion prayer. "In the same way, after the supper he took the cup, saying, "This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which is poured out for you.". God, thank You for sending Jesus who not only lived for us, but died for us. But You, O Lord, are unchanging in Your mercy and Your nature is love; grant us, therefore, God of mercy, God of grace, so to eat at this Your table that we may receive in spirit and in truth the body of Your dear Son, Jesus Christ, and the merits of His shed blood, so that we may live and grow in His likeness and, being washed and cleansed through His most precious blood, we may evermore live in Him and He in us. What is the best and effective Tie or moment to take the holy communion? Hold the bread, a symbol of Jesus body. Jesus asked us to carry out this simple tradition to remember that He gave His life for our lives. It was Jesus last dinner with His disciples before He was crucified. I am so happy to find out that I can take communion every day if I want. What does Communion have to do with witchcraft? And he took a cup of wine and gave thanks to God for it. Thank you so much . But please dont forget, this is a wonderful reason to celebrate. Heres an example. And would any cracker be ok. He broke His body and poured Himself out so that, if we believe, we can have a relationship with Him forever. Therefore, whoever eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty of sinning against the body and blood of the Lord. Love you and thank you again. What you use is not as important as to why you're taking communion. When we say in services. Every evil thing falls to the ground right now, broken and of no effect, in the name of Jesus. Thanks Jamie. I Googled at-home communion, and there you were! Jesus asked us to drink this cup to remember that our sins are washed by the powerful new covenant Jesus made possible between us and God. Christians tend to celebrate communion more frequently some weekly, some monthly, and others, even daily. I had a dinner date tonight An Old Friend, my Lord God. Within 5 minutes of taking grape & pretzel communion, I was totally fine. The focus of Communion is to remember the Lord and thank Him for His sacrifice. I have purchased (and definitely recommend) the pre-filled communion elements from Celebration Cup (affiliate link; click the photo above for more info). In 1 Corinthians 11 Paul the Apostle gives instructions on preparing for and taking Communion. Lord Jesus, I loose Your holy flow, Your healing, resurrection life, joy, peace, righteousness, power, and Your perfect shalomnothing missing, nothing brokeninto my life and into the lives of all my family. Think about what you are going to say or read during this time (look to the next section for some ideas). Or, as a group, recite the Lords prayer to close communion at home. I will always love you. You are encouraged to not just experience the symbol of communion but to live in its truth. Related: If You Feel Like Youre Going to Die Inside, Take Communion. Mike explains how to obtain and use the elements for taking the Lord's Supper (communion) when you are not able to meet at the church building.Communion Supp. A symbolic way to remember what Jesus did for us. It is poured out as a sacrifice to forgive the sins of many. Matthew 26:27-28 NLT. The eating of the bread and drinking of the wine that led to what we call communion is still a regular part of celebrating Passover that Jewish people and some Christians celebrate each year. Distribute the bread and wine/juice. Communion should lead to praise. This will depend on where and how many people are gathering. Thank you so much for sharing this!!! I am taking a risk even suggesting this but please go to the website and read every word on it, and see if there is anything there the Lord speaks to you about. Am on 33rd chemo no hope from oncologist but trusting in Our Lord Jesus wife healing.husband cant work heart ablation operation and depression son psoriasis arthritis knee injury depression job stress daughter anxious about family illness and job exams.God restore Gomez members health sleep and unity needed salvation. Privacy Policy | Terms of Use, remember how God brought them out of Egypt, Season 7 of Youve Heard It Said Is Here, and Were Learning Its Okay to Talk About Time and Money, How to Talk About Time and Money Without Being Weird, Suggested Resources for Theme Two of Foundations: Following Jesus Together. Before or after A meal Taking communion at home is simple. 6. Give instructions on what to do and when. Thank God for what He has done and His promises to us with prayers of gratefulness, joy, and hope. Started daily communion today. how does a 1 yr old examine himself ! With the blood of Jesus, and in the name of Jesus, I break every curse, hex, witchcraft, and enemy assignment against me or my family. Id love to hear about it in the comments below. That part is easy! I started taking Holy communion about three weeks ago. You can perform communion at home nearly anywhere. Setup Type: Offline Installer / Full Standalone Setup. I have begun home communion but didnt want to do anything offensive in such an important aspect of my time with Jesus. Lets take a closer look at the historical setting of the New Testament. And he took a cup, and when hehad given thanks he gave it to them, saying,Drink of it, all of you,forthis is myblood of thecovenant, which is poured out formanyfor the forgiveness of sins. Im going to start taking communion at home. Jesus took the bread, broke it, and said Eat. Thank you for your article. I had started but missed out on some days and had just resumed and you mail come in right in time as usual. The most famous story of communion in the Bible is the story of The Last Supper. He told them the wine they drank represented His Blood to be shed for us all. Thanks for this teaching, I did communion for myself today. This teachings are a huge breakthrough and deliverance for me from these shrouded and scary teachings about the taken of the communion of God. Not sure why, but I hadnt done it at home for quite some time. His death brings about our salvation and the new covenant. Communion is a symbolic way to show we belong to Jesus and to remember what He did for us. Stay here and keep watch with me., Going a little farther, he fell with his face to the ground and prayed, My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. You can read the story (and if youre going to have communion at home, you will certainly want to do this. As I learn that Gods blessings , healing can be released as I practice taking holy Communion at home.. This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.Matthew 26:27-28. It is important to notice that this was something commonly done in the churches described in the New Testament, and it is not something that needed to be administered, performed, or distributed by a church leader. I started doing it and I felt Gods power moving in my life. It was the last meal Jesus would have with His disciples. Your email address will not be published. This principle, that every believer is a minister of God, is called the priesthood of all believers by theologians. Verified Purchase. If youre a Jesus follower, you can take communion just about anywhere. As the early church participated in communion, I encourage you to make this part of your own personal spiritual practice. When the Eucharist is brought to the home, the family should prepare a table with a cloth and a lighted candle. For a family to take to itself these functions is a confusion of two spheres, the family and the church. Jesus had to do this for everyone, and God said that Jesus agonized over His decision. The Vineyard Church I bought kosher wine for the one ounce communion cups, put the wine in ice cube trays, and froze it. Youll need some grape juice and some sort of bread or cracker. I mostly just drink water. If youve ever thought of taking communion with your family or LifeGroup, good for you. If you really want to use unleavened bread, a matzo cracker is a great option. Dont pig out on communion, even if you really like Triscuits. I used to take communion daily several years ago and stopped as I had practically walked away from the church, its like something was sitting on me and I couldnt pray, read my bible or attend church it was like a spiritual death, earlier this year I started fighting that demon as I missed my fellowship with God, I really started seeking God and delving into his word, about 3 months ago I was lead by the Holy Spirit to start taking my communion back on a daily basis but what I do because I am a nurse and work a lot of night shifts, I started taking it at midnight, when I am on shift I walk with it in my bag and pray at midnight then take my communion, if I am at home and fall asleep I take it whenever I wake up in the night. Communion is a way to remember what Jesus did on the cross. Thank you again! Ideas for Taking Communion at Home. Thank you, as I have found all your information very helpful. Thank you for the prayer. Communion at Home. IT CAME TO ME TODAY TO JUST DO IT. The breaking and eating of bread has to do with Christ's body being broken on the cross. That discussion made me reflect on if I could take communion by myself and I searched online and found this article. Jesus asked us to carry out this simple tradition to remember that He gave His life for our lives. Then take one piece of bread or cracker and eat it. I had a dream where I told someone I took communion every day. Communion is for people who have put their trust in Jesus. ? And its the perfect time to thank Him for His grace which gives us life. It will look different for each family, and that's ok! He said, Eat. (Matthew 26:26-28; 1 Corinthians 11:23-24). They are just going to continue for all of usfor Jesus purchased every victory with His body and blood! Also, I didnt know I could buy certain crackers to use. I was researching about taking the communion on a daily basis and say your prayer and have been using that as well after I finish taking my communion. As we see from in Acts 2:42 below, the breaking of bread or communion was something the church was devoted to as a regular practice of their worship: These are hidden reefsat your love feasts, as they feast with you without fear,shepherds feeding themselves;waterless clouds,swept along by winds; fruitless trees in late autumn, twice dead,uprooted; To purchase an eBook of this post to have forever (with no ads!) I lost my only brother, my mother and then my beloved husband of 46 years. The communion service occurred during a meal known as the Passover. Agape love. Thank you for re-posting this article. Blessings. Thanks Jaime. I imagine Him hanging on the cross; I remember the blood He poured out for me. 5. After that, though, you take the elements. If you have younger kids, stick with the basics. You can either place the elements on a table and people can get them there, or you can pass them out. In the case of the Lord's Supper, or Communion, let's go to God's Word and find out what He said on the subject. They were blessings from God who has given me a blessed and beautiful life on earth, and I give thanks to my heavenly Father. I know very well it was God who directed me here. A group of us were traveling in a van, coming home from a Christian conference, when I became suddenly very ill. One of the ladies suggested we all take communion with the only things we had with us that somewhat resembled the elements. Thats why I encourage people who are right with God to go ahead and take communion at home, just between you and God. Communion is a holy time set aside to remember Jesus sacrifice for us His broken body and His shed blood. In the simplest terms: we take communion to remember what Jesus did for us when He died on the cross. Raising Jesus Kids. Go ahead and drink the cup. You just have toprepare, pause, pray, partake, and praise! again. Amen1 Praying for your ministry and that it reaches others like it has me! I never knew Holy Communion can be taken on a daily basis. The most famous story of communion in the Bible is the story of The Last Supper. In the same way also he took the cup, after supper, saying,This cup is the new covenant in my blood. I dont know about the others, but is it okay for children to take communion? Trending post: Prophetic Word for March 2023. In this time, those who gathered for worship would share a meal and a time of worship, prayer, and fellowship together. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. I know that Jesus would not protest, since His first miracle was changing water into wine at a wedding in Cana. So that's one way to do it. Most are free to watch. Invite the participants to a time of silent reflection and confession of sin. You allowed Your only Son to literally be poured out so that we could be in a fully restored relationship with You. However, nothing is stopping you from taking the time to share the Lord's Supper as a family in your own home. We are set free because Jesus is alive and giving us life to the full. Know how youll pass out the elements. Pray for the "bread" in this first part of communion. That He was poured out to wash away our sins. God bless this ministry. Communion is a sacred time with the Lord, not a main course, okay? You may enjoy this post on the names of God and how to pray them. We talked about His birth, His blessed life, and His horrible execution totally undeserved. 1.When fasting,, Lets pray. You have been a huge part of my Christian walk and you have blessed me more times than I can recount,with your spot on prophecies and messages..God bless you.. This would certainly include following the Scriptures command to regularly observe communion in our gatherings. Then I read your article today and feel like God is asking me to draw near to Him again and take communion daily for strength and encouragement to persevere on the path and destiny He is moving me to. When I sit down to take the Lords Supper, I follow this general sequence of events: Then, thanking Him for His sacrifice that saved me from death and gave me eternal life with Him, I eat the bread/wafer and drink the grape juice (representing His body and blood). When we partake in communion, we are honoring His sacrifice, thanking Him for our salvation, and remembering the promises given to us by the new covenant. For example, while holding the bread, a symbol of Jesus body, say: Next, pray for the cup during this second part of communion. Thinking bout doing communion, thank you and God bless you for helping me to grow in my spiritual walk with the Lord. May you increase in your ministry and I pray for more blessings to you. How to Do Communion at Home Prepare your elements You will need some type of unleavened bread element and juice, wine, or water element. Your ministry continues to bless and enrich my life! But if anyone is hungry, let him eat at home, lest you come together for judgment. Then God said, We had to do it for YOU. Jesus and His followers used wine and unleavened bread, but its simplest to use grape juice and whatever bread or crackers you have available. Therefore, Paul rebuked them. Introducing your children to this spiritual practice can feel intimidating, but it will benefit them for years to come. I am SET FREE from scary intimidation!! You dont have to have a group, an audience, a priest, or a pastor. How To Take Communion At Home . 3. I prepared this guide, at the request of my daughter Kelly, who is now the lead pastor of a church, and who has a desire to encourage the people of her church in this tradition. What a powerful lesson this was to me. You may find it more peaceful to do this at night when it is dark and read by lamplight or candlelight for a calmer, more serious mood. My twins are going to be 9 and Im trying to keep them in the path of the Lord. Its true; you dont. If you take communion at home regularly and carefully explain the reasons behind it, theyll understand the meaning and importance of it. Communion at home does not have to be formulaic. 4. This is a new new experience for me taking home the communion. Thank You that His body was raised back to life. You may decide that all of your children will take communion with you on Sundays. Hold the cup, a symbol of Jesus blood. Thank you for this great revelations on what God can do for me if I purpose to put my life right with God can gain purpose to take holy communion at home daily. No forced communioning over here. You cannot separate the 2. He said, Eat. Bless you Jamie for this powerful message. Learn how your comment data is processed. Thank you Lord. Dont leave people guessing. I was thrilled when I found your website, and you said it was fine to take communion at home, even everyday if I wanted. Thats why Christians still take communion to this day. Infact a 40days challenge is what i need. Thank you for sharing this anointed teaching about communion. And its the perfect time to thank Him for His grace which gives us life. We believe that Jesus did this just before the third Passover cup. For he who eats and drinks in an unworthy manner eats and drinks judgment to himself, not discerning the Lords body. I can only share what I do. Jesus modeled the way we should take communion. Im gonna pray and have communion every day. You can remember Jesus in this special way that He prescribed, at home. Thank You, Father, for this precious time of reverent reflection on . It happened as part of the celebration of Passover which was a festival that began in the Old Testament period. One option: Stop at the grocery store today and get some unleavened bread/crackers and some grape juice. This page/post may contain affiliate links. God Bless You and your family ! Prepare the atmosphere. Thank you so much for all you do. And read my Bible. Fill me today with Your powerful Spirit. Well, first, you have to get your heart right. Jesus asked us to carry out this simple tradition to remember that He gave His life for our lives. Thank Him and praise Himand apply His blood to your life in practical situations in prayer! (And I do carry them with me.). , The Lord has pressed upon me several times recently to start taking communion at home while I continue to heal from a chronic illness. But if we judged ourselves, we would not come under judgment. Let's not allow COVID-19 to stop us from celebrating Jesus. I should take it often now. Whats important is focusing on the meaning of this spiritual symbol. Since only through Him we have any power at all? But after these wafers are gone, I might go with oyster crackers. Blessings, Kenneth Copeland Ministries takes the Word of God as final authority in every area of life, so when we have a question, we go to God's Word.