He is very confident. Yom Kippur is a solemn day where people seek to repent their sins and seek reconciliation with God. It just means they fought there too. 2021-2022 Rapture Shemetah Alignment - Rapture In The Air Now Thats why I am blogging on this stuff! (transliterated Sh'vat or Shevat) is the 11th month of the Hebrew year, has 30 days, and corresponds to January or February on the Gregorian calendar. You need to login in order to like this post: click here August 30, 2021 at 2:28 pm #78994 Only one Shabbat can occur between these dates. Start of month of Tevet on the Hebrew calendar. For means because. The other practical matter is that it creates a huge plain for all the saved to gather for the throne judgements of the 12 Apostles meting out rewards and assignments. Last day of Feast of Trumpets Sept 27, 2022 and ends: Last day of Feast of Trumpets Sept 11, 2029 to keep in line with the next Shemetah sequence? They also believe other biblical events happened on this day. He splits the mount of Olives in two! Copyright 2023 Rapture In The Air Now|Developed by Richard G|Powered by WordPress, BBPress and BuddyPress, Just for fun / Laughter does the heart good, Tracking Bible Prophecy Headlines 3/3/2023, This Monday to Tuesday, March 6-7 is Purim, Tracking Bible Prophecy Headlines 3/2/2023, BREAKING: Iran Can Make Fissile Material for Nukes in About 12 Days, Tracking Bible Prophecy Headlines 3/1/2023, Tracking Bible Prophecy Headlines 2/28/2023, This topic has 70 replies, 17 voices, and was last updated. Start of month of Tamuz on the Hebrew calendar. (transliterated Cheshvan or Heshvan) is the 8th month of the Hebrew year, has 29 or 30 days, and corresponds to October or November on the Gregorian calendar. READ How Many Times Will The Trumpet Be Blown? It is sounded so that glory is given to God and His people. Some events that take place outside this period can be important since they can later lead to the start of the 70th week of Daniel. Feast of Trumpets is Tshri 1 (7th Month - September or October - in the 7th month. . 8 And it shall be in that day, that living waters shall go out from Jerusalem; half of them toward the former sea, and half of them toward the hinder sea: in summer and in winter shall it be. Minor fasts begin at dawn and end at nightfall. 2028. So I imagine they are immortal horses and we better treat them well. They were the ones attacked, sacked and conquered by the Antichrists armies as was Gods plan like he had the Jews sacked by Roman armies from 67 -73 AD. . For once the abomination of desolations occurs (sacking of Jerusalem and the Antichrist declaring himself God), Jesus had to come back and save the living or no flesh be saved. Eighth Day of Assembly. Zechariah 14 adds much more detail as you will see if you keep reading. Numbers 29:1-6 reiterate that this is a day "to blow the trumpets" and specifies the . Fri, 15 October sunset - Fri, 22 October nightfall If not, my eyes are glued from any day now to Sept 6th 8th to be lifted up in the clouds because Im reading some watchers feel the mandatory vaxx could start here in the U.S. in like another 4 to 6 weeks . Start of month of Iyyar on the Hebrew calendar. Jewish Holidays 2028 for the Diaspora - Hebcal Day of Atonement. Trumpets are a sound of war. "Speak to the sons of Israel, saying, 'In the seventh month on the first of the month, you shall have a rest, a reminder by blowing of trumpets, a holy convocation. Great point about the jab for Israel, they seemed to have bought it hook, line, and sinker. That is a week from today; my next high watch date. Sivan () is the 3rd month of the Hebrew year, has 30 days, and corresponds to May or June on the Gregorian calendar. 16redeeming the time,because the days are evil. Hebrew Pentecost; or Feast of Weeks, or of Harvest, or of First Fruits. After his death, his daughter, Queen Bathsheba, was crowned king and ruled for a short period of time. This process could take months or even years. John is just saying he can determine who was the martyrs and he used the term soul. Then when it came time to put it on DVD & Blu-ray, God revealed something STUNNING to Gabriel about the series He controlled! This is my best guess. So God is telling us in verse 1, that Jesus came and reaped the earth of his saved people in the middle of the last 7 years. 15 And so shall be the plague of the horse, of the mule, of the camel, and of the ass, and of all the beasts that shall be in these tents, as this plague. He lives and reigns, now and forevermore! My on Earth birthday is the 12th. This page displays the Diaspora holiday schedule. 2. Microsoft email accounts such as Hotmail.com, MSN.com and Live.com. an october start time for the trib + 6 months would be a midtrib springtime April. This will be the holy home of Jesus on earth so it is to be raised up physically which gives glory to Jesus. In his latest video he is talking about the east and west coasts getting hit. Feast of Tabernacles, or of the Ingathering. Or Jul 28 the 17th day of the fourth month! Sometimes I feel like were seconds away and sometimes it feels like years. I heard one time the government considers you gay if you never married; that would make me and several of my friends gay and none of us are. This verse 20 CLUES us in that this was all about the coming back to earth on HORSES! below), How High Should Piano Keyboard Be? This date varies year to year on the Hebrew calendar. The Feast of Trumpets is better known today as Rosh Hashana. to confirm Christs return in 2028 (Learn Here), Nashville, TN In February 2019 God asked Gabriel to create a short introduction video to place at the top of the homepage of this 2028 END website to introduce visitors to this message What God did with this video to confirm Christs return in 2028 is nothing short of mind-blowing (Learn Here), Nashville, TN On March 4, 2020, Gabriel and his wife were sitting at a traffic light right next to the fire station in their tiny town of Donelson, Tennessee. Thanks Blue! It is rather gruesome! Gays do love to promote the idea of homosexuality; to present it as normal and acceptable rather than the perversion it is. Therefore we can see in verse 11 above that men shall dwell in it. from oct 30, 2021 add 2520 days is sep 23 2028. that is called Shabbat Shuva, the sabbath between Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur. Year, or a happy and healthy New Year, is what some people . The iCalendar (.ics) format is used by Here I will dive deeper using scripture and explain where in the bible these things occur. It is one of seven Jewish feasts or festivals appointed by the Lord and one of the three feasts . calendar feed with events for the current year (2023) plus THE PROPHETIC FIRST DAY OF CREATION The first day (24hrs) of Creation foretold of Earth's first millennium. Some think the US is destroyed at the rapture with the loss of the church no longer holding back Gods wrath on this nation. These plagues will come in the times just ahead of us because of humanity's sins. He is locked away in Hell for 1000 years. That is Feast of Trumpets Eve on Hebcal. Apparently when Jesus came, there was a great tumult (agitation) of the people in the lands. New Year for Trees. and MaxMind, also licensed under Creative Commons. After the saved get resurrected and raptured, we all go to heaven and the same day, God pours out his wrath for 3 1/2 years on earth in the 7 trumpet and vial judgements while we cheer on his righteous judgement. CSV is a legacy calendar file format for Outlook 97-2003. I love your comment, TR. We get assignments of leadership. Home | About | Copyright 2008 - 2023 | Privacy | Contact. I am the author of several end time books, including Prophecy Proof Insights on the End Times, a comprehensive book about the end times. According to Leviticus 23:23 - 25, the Feast of Trumpets was a day of rest on which special food offerings were presented to Yah in the form of drink, grain, and meat, in addition to the blowing of trumpets. We do not need to be educated about any other way. 9 And the LORD shall be king over all the earth: in that day shall there be one LORD, and his name one. This matches exactly what all the scriptures say will happen. Thanks. The Roman road way to salvation you can do it alone if you wish: The Romans Road to Salvation For the Gospel. And what is the result? Since one look is worth a thousand words, heres a detailed video about it: How To Transplant Trumpet Vine? The living waters is the Holy Spirit. Those observing will commence their 25-hour fast until nightfall on Wednesday, all forms of sustenance are prohibited, including water. That date is 85 days from today..and to get it together to have a covenant signed, with possibly the Ezekiel 38 war before that.tik tok tik tok..we are sooooo ready Lord!!! If we propose that our Savior comes back at the Second Coming on Feast of Trumpets in 2028 which is figured to be September 21, 2028 and then subtract 2520 from that day..then the covenant must be signed by 10/28/2021! Put your ears on! Therefore the first feast is fulfilled. If He returns on a sabbath, He will be giving Israel rest from all her enemies on the day of rest. Minor BLUE 1 2 3 4 5 A B C Everything lands exactly on a feast date, No date is random here. He shows this date encoded into many movies and believes this is when destruction hits. So its possible thats around the number of Jews who survive the Tribulation and go on into the millennial kingdom. A grand trumpet sound will announce his coming and he comes down on a white horse and splits the mount of Olives wide open (east of Jerusalem). Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The feast of trumpets is not mentioned in the new testament, but the new moon festival is. He will immediately send the Holy Spirit and once you receive it, you can NEVER lose your salvation it is a free gift of grace! are we the daily sacrifice taken away? Subminuette BLACK i ii iii iv v a b c Cycle PINK I II III IV V a b c The Jewish New Year. A huge shout by a crowd or the blowing of a horn is what Teruah means. 2 And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years. The predicted date for Armageddon is 21 September 2028 based on the solving of Daniels 70th week. This is purely speculation according to the time in the Book of Ruth and according to Jewish custom may be way off but it is a prayer to be snatched away by our Bridegroom. We are right in the middle of Dr. Awes August watch dates. 23:24-25). DO NOT DESPISE PROPHECY - TEST ALL THINGS (I Thes 5:19-21), Ontario, CAN In early 2010, Gabriel Ansley Erb prayed to the Lord in earnest that He would please send someone to help him with the online work of this ministry. From that date to the end of the year is about FOUR . Bumping because of the last 3 Aug dates. Lots of exciting days to look forward to. if abomination of desolation begins at start of passover, sundownapr 12, 2025 (hebcal) 1260 days is oct 30 2021. It is IMPOSSIBLE to make sense or understand ANY PART of the bible in ANY WAY unless you are already saved to Jesus. The topic Watch Dates is closed to new replies. The Feast of Trumpets helps picture the blowing of the seven trumpets in the Book of Revelation announcing events taking place during the 'Day of the Lord' (Revelation 8,9,11:15-18; 15:1-8; 16:1-21; 19:1-20). You shall not do any laborious work, but shall present an offering by fire to the LORD'" (Lev. And that is no accident as the devil had a hand in corrupting the churches to ensure we are setup for a falling away at the end times. Rosh Hashana literally means "head of the year.". Bumping as some are mentioning 9.11.21 as a rapture watch date. Armageddon & How Jesus Fulfills the 3 Fall Feasts (Zechariah 14) The Feast of Trumpets (Rosh Hashanah) is a yearly celebrated Holy Day known to the Jews as the Feast "no man knows the day or hour" since it cannot be confirmed until two witnesses . The Easiest Explanation. In the following Verse 4, we are on earth. This matches Revelation 19:18. Verse 16 gets us to the third Fall Feast, the feast of tabernacles! Though the Bible Codes have not yet been accurate, it is still always interesting to me when there is a rapture Bible Code for a future date. Jesus coming in the cloud is always associated with: But of that day and hour knoweth noman, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only. Therefore this day in Zechariah 14 is NOT the rapture day as many believe. Numbers 29:1 - 6 gives us specifics as to what was required. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone. 2028 END is part of 10 Love Commandments Ministries. For instance. The Feast of Trumpets can occur after the 29th or 30th day of Elul, so no one knows the day or hour until the crescent moon appears in the afternoon sky. So the bottom line, verses 1 and 2 is a chronological marker setting up the rest of the chapter. Minus 2520 days and you come to September 7, 2021. The Ninth of Av. Miniscule GREEN 1 2 3 4 5 A B C. The content on this site is provided as information only and should not be taken as investment advice or any lifestyle or health advice. Would rather celebrate in Heaven that in this dismal place. The throne judgements may also be where the damned who made it still alive on earth, those who have the mark of the beast, are brought forth before Jesus and we slay them. Hanukkah, the Jewish festival of rededication. The Feast of Trumpets introduces the autumn festivalsrepresenting the culmination of the present age of man and the beginning of an incredible time during which God will play a much more direct part in world events. FEAST OF TRUMPETS - End-Time Pilgrim (transliterated Nisan or Nissan) is the 1st month of the Hebrew year, has 30 days, and corresponds to March or April on the Gregorian calendar. It makes perfect sense that Jesus comes back on this day. The table below shows ten potential start dates for the 70th week of Daniel if it indeed ends on Yom Kippur. The Feast of Trumpets teaches us that Jesus Christ will visibly return to the earth at the end of this age. The Israel schedule is used by Jews living in modern Israel. There isnt much detail in Revelation. However, they are not required to abstain from all food and drink. They point out its interesting that its in all 4 gospels hence therefore very important. Are you ready to meet Him?. Ive heard the term of redeeming the day. August 1, 2028 : Feast of Trumpets (Rosh Hashanah) Tishri 1, 5789: September 21, 2028 : Fast of Gedaliah: Tishri 4, 5789: September 24, 2028 : Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) Tishri 10, 5789: September 30, 2028 : Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot) Tishri 15-21, 5789: October 5-11, 2028 In the center of the Sun I saw the number 21, which was very thin, and it was increasing in number 22, 23, and 24 (Learn Here), Angus, UK During the night of October 14, 2014, Abigail was taken in the Spirit high above the earth and found herself looking at a very sad faced angel who was looking downwards upon the earth. We really cant be so sure. In it God prophesied the biggest event to occur during that 1,000 year period the fall of Adam & Eve in the Garden of Eden (Learn Here) 2. Watch Dates - Rapture In The Air Now And what tells us he is coming back on his horse? A 3 day window! Rosh Hashanah, also known as the Feast of Trumpets, is a picture of the 'catching away' of the bride of Christ. This Shabbat is named after the first word of the Haftarah (Hosea 14:2-10) and literally means Return! It is perhaps a play on, but not to be confused with, the word Teshuvah (the word for repentance). Home | About | Copyright 2008 - 2023 | Privacy | Contact. The entire point of the 7 feasts commanded by God in Leviticus 23 was pointing to Jesus fulfilling them all. Hence the term Jew. If it made no sense, you need to be saved! Also called the Feast of Tabernacles, the seven-day holiday is one of the Three Pilgrimage Festivals (Hebrew: , shalosh regalim). Jews believe that on this day God created the heavens and the earth. !which if we believe in any amount of a gap theory our time draws very short indeed! 11 And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war. The Antichrist and False Prophet are cast alive into the lake of Fire which is in outer space. This holy day is named after the biblical name for it. Use this download alternative if you prefer to manually import I dont claim to know the day of the rapture or the day of Christ returning to earth, but lets hope for the church seeing His face soon, Return O Israel. Thank you Blue for doing this! Besides, there is too much viper talk for September to discount it. Verse 13 is another recap verse of battle day. Many jews wear white clothing during the jewish holy month of rosh hashanah. When they looked over at the writing on the fire stations brick wall they learned something shocking (Learn Here), Nashville, TN In January 2021, Gabriel discovered shocking evidence that God has been using our 2028 END YouTube Channel for the past 10 years (secretly, behind the scenes!) Today would be preferable, but I lean heavily on Sept 6 thu 8th! Rosh Hashanah - Jewish New Year - InfoPlease The Feast of Trumpets: background and fullfilment - Jews for Jesus seek His face in this storm we are in. beginning of every month in the Hebrew calendar. Biblical Christians refer to it as the Feast of Trumpets. Matthew 24:36 is an idiom, lost in translation, which is referring to the Feast of Trumpets. and was succeeded by his son, Solomon. (Learn Here), Nashville, TN In 2008, Gabriel wrote the book Undeniable Biblical Proof Jesus Christ Will Return to Planet Earth Exactly 2,000 Years After the Year of His Death. For the sake of simplicity I use 21st of September 2028. Elliott Wave Update ~ 27 August 2021 Who is Ushering in the Antichrist? Jesus is coming too, first for the church. The first of seven Shabbatot leading up to Rosh Hashanah. How he establishes his 1000 year Kingdom and heals the land. We, as Believers, follow the New Testament. Traditional greetings on Rosh Hashanah include, LShana Tovah tikatevu, which means, May you be inscribed for a good year, or just Shana Tovah, which means a good year.. 21 Yea, every pot in Jerusalem and in Judah shall be holiness unto the LORD of hosts: and all they that sacrifice shall come and take of them, and seethe therein: and in that day there shall be no more the Canaanite in the house of the LORD of hosts. Teruah) falls on the first day of the seventh month (the month of Tishrei) and commences the final segment of the religious calendar in Yahweh Gods prophetic redemptive purposes which is concluded in the Day of Atonement at the end of this month. Person has been reported to the mod team. They are not allowed to eat, drink, smoke or do any other activity that may cause them to break the fast. White is a symbol of purity and is associated with new beginnings. They have a Feast of Trumpets on the first day of the 6th month, but I used the 7th. Or maybe he comes in the year 2032. The entire point of the 7 feasts commanded by God in Leviticus 23 was pointing to Jesus fulfilling . If the fig tree parable represents a literal 80 years from 1948, it has to be this year. For the sake of simplicity I use 21st of September 2028. and the LORD my God shall come, and all the saints with thee. This is the saved on horses as seen in Revelation 19:14. And we the saved follow him down on our own white horses in Revelation verse 14: 14 And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean. Elliott Wave Update ~ 30 August 2021 and Vaccine Foreshadow of Bible Prophecy? It is the holiest day on the Jewish calendar and commemorates the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. So we are all down near Jerusalem on our glorious horses. It is probably pointless to try to figure out where to correct it because some think a pole shift or other major bump could move the years back to 360 days long. The holiday is a temporary break from the semi-mourning period the counting of the Omer. Israeli Independence Day. What does the blowing of the trumpet mean in the Bible? The Feast of Trumpets. 2 For I will gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle; and the city shall be taken, and the houses rifled, and the women ravished; and half of the city shall go forth into captivity, and the residue of the people shall not be cut off from the city. Still, Israeli is in for a terrible time in the Time of Jacobs Trouble. Feast of Booths. the calendar events and merge with your own calendar. So I hope I showed through scripture how things will be fulfilled in the coming of Jesus at the establishment of his kingdom on earth. 19 And I saw the beast, and the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war against him that sat on the horse, and against his army. I would like to add October 29th to the list. Feast of Trumpets, is it not? mid trib would have to come either before winter or after. Its starting to look like some sort of a judgment is upon the world that will greatly reduce its population before it heads into the tribulation. And the modern Jewish nation is against Christ antichrist. If Jesus is to come back on the first Fall feast, it will be the first day of the 7th month: 24 Speak unto the children of Israel, saying, In the seventh month, in the first day of the month, shall ye have a sabbath, a memorial of blowing of trumpets, an holy convocation. It is observed by Jews and non-Jews alike, and is considered to be the most important of all Jewish holidays. Or even in the year 2028? I speculate that is when the 10 days of darkness will occur. Just pray on the Lord Jesus Christ with your voice and ask for salvation and believe with all your heart that he died on the cross and was raised from the dead for your sins and without him you deserve eternal death. The Feast of Trumpets was one of the seven original Jewish feasts mentioned in the Torah and served as the first of three feasts to take place in the fall of the year. The Mystery of the Feast of Trumpets - YouTube You need to login in order to like this post: click here. The author may from time to time make statements about certain investment vehicles and strategies, but it is not to be taken as investment advice.